And if they don't?
I think we should still strive for it, as Christ forgave those who persecuted and killed him. Not because they said they were sorry... but because they 'knew not what they did'. (which is what I meant when I said that we want God to forgive us our wrongs that we do out of ignorance, or even pain)
Christ prayed for His Father to forgive them. I think we should do the same.
In practical terms what does it actually mean to forgive somebody who seriously harms somebody we love?
Not causing or wanting any harm to come to them. (which is sometimes all one has the strength to do)
To wipe the wrongdoing from your mind and not hold it against them. (this one is hard to do because it also involves trust)
To still hope for good to come to that person - learning from mistakes, finding peace, being a good person themselves. Like blessing one's 'enemies'.
I think it is up to the person who has been harmed, though, to do the forgiving. I think the rest of us (loved ones) sometimes reserve judgment until the one harmed makes their decision.
Those are the practical terms I can think of.