Forgiving. Surely a limit even for Christians?

by punkofnice 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    Its true, being consumed with hatred and thoughts of revenge is damaging. If the law is taking care of the person who did harm its probably best to focus on rebuilding your life.

    Good points by The Gladiator, if you believe in rewards and punishments in the after-life its much easier to be passive about the person who has harmed you.

  • tec

    And if they don't?

    I think we should still strive for it, as Christ forgave those who persecuted and killed him. Not because they said they were sorry... but because they 'knew not what they did'. (which is what I meant when I said that we want God to forgive us our wrongs that we do out of ignorance, or even pain)

    Christ prayed for His Father to forgive them. I think we should do the same.

    In practical terms what does it actually mean to forgive somebody who seriously harms somebody we love?

    Not causing or wanting any harm to come to them. (which is sometimes all one has the strength to do)

    To wipe the wrongdoing from your mind and not hold it against them. (this one is hard to do because it also involves trust)

    To still hope for good to come to that person - learning from mistakes, finding peace, being a good person themselves. Like blessing one's 'enemies'.

    I think it is up to the person who has been harmed, though, to do the forgiving. I think the rest of us (loved ones) sometimes reserve judgment until the one harmed makes their decision.

    Those are the practical terms I can think of.



  • cofty

    3rdgen I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your son. I have no idea how I would handle my feelings about the person who caused it.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I interpret the meaning of Jesus words on extending almost unlimited forgiveness was for relatively small matters where someone makes a mistake, does something irritating. To let go of those petty things is more beneficial to the well-being of the forgiver. Bury the hatchet. Let bygones be bygones. And all that stuff.

    Jesus certainly didn't extend that type of forgiveness toward the Pharisees. On many other occasions, Jesus could be very unforgiving unless considerable changes were made. And when he said to turn the other cheek, he was only talking about a superficial "slap" that caused no serious injury. And even then, the context makes it appear that forgiveness was to be only once. He didn't say, keep turning your cheeks back and forth for 77 slaps.

    There's my .02

  • tec

    I decided to leave ALL of it to God and Jesus INCLUDING the forgiveness

    Sometimes that is all we can do. You're actually doing a lot. You're not cursing the one who caused you harm. You're leaving him to God for God to make the right decision.

    I am also sorry for your son.



  • tec

    tec: once again you say things that are not in the bible

    Okay. But for instance...?

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Billy the Ex-Bethelite : as I pointed out, according to Matthew 5:44 we are to love our enemy, murderers, rapists, con artists, etc, all to be loved so when judgement day comes we wont be judged for judging others.

  • 3rdgen

    To Cofty and Tammy, Thanks so much for your kindness. It really means a lot! The truth is, a lot of what happens in our lives is out of our control so all we can do is try to control our reaction to it- but it is a process.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    JJJ, recheck the Bible. It only says your enemies and those persecuting you. He was talking about those that disagree, argue, ridicule you. He wasn't talking about criminal actions. He doesn't say to let rapists and murderers run freely. The Jewish laws were very clear in punishing criminals. Where did Jesus ever say, let the rapists and murderers go free?

    Sure, Jesus often showed mercy. But remember, Jesus killed a tree for having leaves but no fruit. He was setting a standard for judgmentalism based on actions or lack of actions.

  • LV101

    3rdgen -- sorry about your son. Admire your decision to leave in the hands of God/Christ. Peace and love to you.


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