The Reason -- for pushing more and more work onto JWs

by Marvin Shilmer 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Why the unrelenting pressure for more and more organized religious activity?

    Today I uploaded a new article to my blog exploring the reason why Watchtower promotes more and more of its work onto the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It turns out that in 1943 Nathan Knorr had a thing or two to say about why this constant push for more, more, more.

    My article is titled Why the unrelenting pressure for more and more organized religious activity? and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • cantleave

    Tell me about it - no time for any pleasure.

  • LongHairGal


    You are totally correct that their busy-making work is just for the purpose of keeping JWs occupied so that they have no time for other pursuits. I had as much said to me by an elderly lady in the religion when I complained about how time-consuming it was doing research for a topic in the ministry school. I was in my 20s at the time.

    She tells me: "well, it will keep you out of trouble.." I felt this was rather insulting and presumptuous of her but seeing it all now it makes sense. They don't want you to have time for anything else and the more steeped you are in the religion, the more trapped and helpless you will feel and maybe less likely to get out.

  • designs

    'I got one hand in my pocket and the other one is giving a peace sign'...

  • Alfred

    when you're extremely busy, you really have no time to verify if people are telling you the truth...

  • garyneal

    An idle mind is the devil's workshop. At least that is what my MIL use to say to my wife when she was growing up.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Years ago when I was a gung-ho elder, my wife told me she thought the preaching work was just busy work. Still, guilt and working with friends she likes socially motivates he to go out above the 1 day I put in FS with her a month. The has fun gossiping and being with her friends. Yup, busywork.

  • TD

    The rant against motion pictures is an interesting sidebar too. I can't think of a single technological development that was not spoken of negatively when it was new.

  • hoser

    The Regional building committee does the same thing, busywork- well for the publishers that is. It makes the WT a load of $$$$$$$


  • ziddina

    Excellent exposure!!!

    Yes, the utter arrogance and contempt that they display....

    As though we were kindergarteners that have to be set to work making macaroni pictures to keep us from wailing about our dirty 'diddies'

    And they are determined to keep us at that level, too - infantilized and ignorant - hence the discouragement against obtaining higher education...


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