BOC writes:
... just busy work.
Basically, that's what Knorr said in his letter.
Marvin Shilmer
by Marvin Shilmer 18 Replies latest jw friends
BOC writes:
... just busy work.
Basically, that's what Knorr said in his letter.
Marvin Shilmer
The implication that the leadership does not trust their followers is very telling.
Usually, the reason people don't trust others is because they suspect everyone else is just like them! So what does THAT suggest about Nathan Knorr and those that have taken the helm afterwards?
Also, if they were really setting the example, the "True Sheep" would follow. Yes? So what are they worried about? Maybe THAT is the problem, they know that their hypocrites and suspect that most JWs are doing a fine job following their example!
Really interesting to consider the implications of this admission by good ol' Nate ...
Every WT article is about how they don't trust the rank and file. To them, the rank and file are so numbingly stupid that they will, on a moments notice, without any regard for themselves or others, perpetrate the following:
Seek out a prostitute because they saw a "dirty" picture.
Take drugs because others do
question the WT and become an apostate. Then seek others to worship them
Cheat on your mate because u listenned to the idea in a song
Become an athiest because u went to college
The list goes on. The leaders of that fine organization are so convinced that no one should be trusted, especially their own
It is an astute observation that Watchtower manifests distrust of the community of Jehovah's Witnesses. Over and over again Watchtower manifests this distasteful trait in the conduct of its religion business.
Marvin Shilmer
Very good Marvin,
My own elderly relative was just telling me on the phone how much the WTS is pressuring followers to be pioneers. He feels the pressure so much, as well as his aging body, that he is fighting the WTS to get labeled a 'disabled pioneer'. That way, he will still be considered a lofty pioneer, while not having to perform the minimum hours. It seems illogical to me, but it's extremely important for him to have this title. For me, it's like, "Doesn't Jehovah know what's in your heart?" But, he doesn't hear that. He is super pressured to keep the hours up, and is 'waiting on Jehovah' to move the service department to accept his appeals. It's all so sad to me. I don't say anything about it to him. The cult is his main peer group in his life, and to change him would be too much for him.
This is the recipe for trouble. The witlesses are to be kept so busy on rubbish that they lack time to properly develop. Children are deprived of toys so they won't have anything to compete with field circus, then kept in field circus all day so they don't have time to play or learn. Children in school are prevented from doing well in school because they have to do field circus instead of homework or test studying. Then they can't learn to function in the real world, and are kept in the cancer.
Everyone suffers from not getting decent activities. When all you do is studying the washtowel rags and littera-trash, attend boasting sessions, slave in field circus, and spend the minimum of time in necessary activities of living, you are going to have a miserable life. Given the freedom, it is true that some will try drugs or drink-driving. But, others will start their own businesses that will become big businesses. Others will volunteer to do things that actually make a difference (putting Christmas decorations up in the living area so people can appreciate them). Still others will take up further learning, whether by going to college or reading books and online material. That's what you lose when you tie their hands with excessive field circus.
And even if they misuse their freedom with drugs and drink driving, most of them learn from their mistakes. They drink-drive, end up having an accident where their car is totaled or they plow into a tree or shack and suffer minor injuries, and learn not to drink-drive. Or, they get a DWI and learn not to drink-drive that way. They get sick the next day from too much drinking, so they realize that it might not be so smart to get drunk or use drugs. Then, next time they might play some video games, do some research on a project, volunteer to do something worthwhile, or even start that next IBM or GE. Which they never would have learned from such mistakes if they were stuck with endless field circus time.
As for movies being mostly harmful, they are mostly neutral instead. Usually, you go into a theater and see violence, mindless sex, and drug use on the screen. Most people will enjoy that, and then leave and not do what they saw on the screen. (Which is why such films are usually rated R or higher in the first place.) Most PG or PG-13 films (and a good many R films) merely tell a story, and are about as harmful as reading a good book or watching the news. Some films educate people. Others entertain. But only the ones that glorify kiddie porn, provide detailed instructions on how to commit a terror attack, or that actually instruct people on how to make harmful drugs out of common materials are actually harmful. Most such films and videos are deemed objectionable or banned, and usually get confiscated when they are found.
Excellent points, WT Wizard...
Every WT article is about how they don't trust the rank and file. To them, the rank and file are so numbingly stupid that they will, on a moments notice, without any regard for themselves or others, perpetrate the following:
We had an elders' school conducted by a member of the WTS service committee (aka gestapo) a few years back.
His contempt for the "stupidity" of elders who didn't follow service committee rules fairly dripped from his mouth.
We had an elders' school conducted by a member of the WTS service committee (aka gestapo) a few years back.
His contempt for the "stupidity" of elders who didn't follow service committee rules fairly dripped from his mouth.
Boy oh boy do you peg that right!
It never ceased to amaze that these fulltime (and financially supported!!!) staffers can behave with such condescension toward elders who work hard supporting themselves and families (and the Bethel staffers!!!) and on top of that volunteer to work for Watchtower on endless congregational busy-work.
To be browbeaten on top of all that is just plain unloving, not to mention stupid!
Marvin Shilmer