Good idea, Azazel!
Exclusive interview with a prosecutor, Steven Unthank, February 21, 2012
by AndersonsInfo 117 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
yes a great idea, surely someone knows someone... get this more media attention?
I will never support a confirmed liar on this board: That liar being Rick who can't even apologize for doing it.
Huge thumbs down to Rick. That is what I am saying.
And Mr. Unthank, this does little but make you lose credibility. :( It is a bit of a pity but I'm sure everyone will get over it.
Rick, if you would apologize to us about the way you deceived us on this board, then you might be pleasantly surprised how well we will receive your apology. Something for you to think about.
Sensible, sane minded ones using sound judgement including Steven Unthank himself might ask, who are these unrestrained negative posters attempting to discredit and destroy such an influential and provocative interview ?
Sheer logic would lead one to conclude these ones are disgruntled Jehovah's Witnesses or Watchtower operatives trying to sabotage and destroy this up coming and controversial, endangering interview. Moral cowards posting on this thread, hiding behind fictitious avatars and not electing to identify themselves, with-out doubt loose credibility and their derogatory statements and comments become highly suspect.....God only knows who they really are.
koolaid man, I will email Mr. Unthank as soon as possible. I would like for others to email him too. Here is his email address [email protected]
Rick, We would love to have Mr Unthank's interview but not on your six screens venue because of your horrible reputation and you refuse to fix your shitty reputation!
Iamallcool , please include in your e-mail to Mr Unthank a link to this thread.
I do believe Mr. Unthank will find it amusing, how so many immature, loyal, faithful Jehovah's Witnesses are trying to discredit him.
I am not going to discredit Mr. Unthank at all. He has my deep respect. Rick, you know that Johnny the Bethelite did not know what time the morning worship starts at Bethel, it is a HUGE red flag that he is not a bethelite then you gave him a radio show. what a fucking joke!
What does Rick Fearon and the Watchtower have in Common..
In Watchtower World.. In KoolAidMans World..
You Can`t Question the WatchTower.. You can`t Question KoolAidMan..
The Watchtower will Demonize Anyone Rick Fearon will Demonize Anyone ..
Who Questions them.. Who Questions him..
:Apostates :Watchtower Operatives
:Weak JW`s :JWN Back Sliders
: Ect..Ect.. :Ect..Ect..
Sheer logic would lead one to conclude these ones are disgruntled Jehovah's Witnesses or Watchtower operatives
trying to sabotage and destroy this up coming and controversial, endangering interview.....Rick Fearon