Rick misses being an elder and having the sheeple lick his boots and grovel at his magic voice as he lulled them into creature worship with his annointed ramblings. Now he's just another fat guy in a bad suit with a website that shines real purty. The truth is he always was a fat guy in a bad suit and all that attention meant nothing. I hear he's still annointed and that's a break anyway. He'll be meetin Jesus in the air soon enough! Go get 'em Kool-aid man. They say to hitch your wagon to a star, but poor Mr. Unthank has unknowingly hitched his to a block of cement.
Exclusive interview with a prosecutor, Steven Unthank, February 21, 2012
by AndersonsInfo 117 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
he was never an elder, he was ms, that is what I was told.
Wow, I'm impressed with the endless vitriol. I suggest you all move along. Get on with it. Christ!
wha happened?
glad u joined the frey Watson
Wasanelder Once
Does Watson have a Basil Rathbone to pick? Always loved Nigel Bruce.
Mr Unthank is not a moral coward hiding in cyberspace. He had the courage and the guts to put the Watchtower on notice that he means business.
Steven Unthank is not going to be influenced by a few unbalanced posters hiding behind cartoon avatars whining about the Six Screens.
He is a strong man and is not going to be intimidated to change his position on coming on The Six Screens Tele-network.
Manipulative and sad. I was referring directly to you, not to Mr. Unthank.
Take responsibility for your actions like a man. I'll not hold my breath or thank you for an apology - you should apologize and go crawl back under the rock you came out from.
Let's kill the message (Steven Unthank) because we don't like the messenger?
Geez. History repeats itself.
Broken Promises
"Bad associations spoil useful habits"
Rick... no one on this thread is dumb enough to fall for your WT tactics...
Do you honestly believe that anyone on this thread is a "WT operative" trying to sabotage or destroy this interview??? You owe everyone here an apology for insulting their intelligence... and you especially owe Steven an apology for insulting HIS intelligence.
Do you honestly believe that Mr. Unthank will find your school girl rants amusing?
Do yourself a favor... stop trying to cover up your lies, dishonesty, and sensationalism by calling other people unbalanced, immature whiners hiding behind avatars... you're only further destroying what little credibility you have left.
Finally, Steven is a smart person... he has already figured out that no one here is trying to discredit him or sabotage the interview... I for one welcome this interview (as do most posters on this board)... what we are uncomfortable with is that the interview is being conducted in the house of a known liar...
To my mind it's a bit like somebody saying, "you can read all the truth about such-and-such in a Watchtower". The article may actually be truthful and factual (some hope I know) but who is going to read it because the "vehicle" has a despicable reputation?
Nobody is decrying Steven's efforts, I for one, applaud him. Six Screens hosting this is a bad move!