Loss of the Mashco Piro one of the last Stone Age Tribes

by designs 66 Replies latest social current

  • botchtowersociety
    RAther like the Europeans and the bubonic plague during a major portion of the "dark" ages in Europe...

    Yes. In the book above, the author lays out a compelling case.

    And then smallpox ripped through an already-weakened population that was hungry and thus vulnerable. By the way, they also shaped the land. Indians burning the great plains kept it from becoming forested, and terra preta areas (big islands in the swamp) in the Amazon are native geo-engineering.

  • ziddina
    "and terra preta areas (big islands in the swamp) in the Amazon are native geo-engineering. ..." botchtower society

    Are those areas the ones within which the Amazonians built up with "black earth"????

    I SO want to learn how to re-create that "black earth"!!!!

  • botchtowersociety
    I SO want to learn how to re-create that "black earth"!!!!

    Me too. They weren't stupid, not by a long shot.

    Incidentally, one of the oldest cultures in N. America, Clovis appears to be related to the Solutrean culture of Europe, and it might predate the non-Euro people that were here when Colombus arrived.


  • ziddina
    "Indians burning the great plains kept it from becoming forested..."

    Yeah, I realized that a long time ago; the Sioux and other tribal groups regularly set prairie fires to stampede buffalo over "jumps" - prior to the arrival of the horse, that was the easiest way to kill buffalo - bisons...

  • botchtowersociety

    You should read the book. It is a great read.

    Here where I live, the highest point is an Indian artificial island built by the extinct Calusas. We don't have hills, but we have a hilly island. They also built canals running for miles. Archeologists think they were related to the Aztecs.

  • ziddina

    This thread has provided me with a lot of reading material - thanks to all!!

    Now, to make the time... [sigh]

  • james_woods

    There are similar relics of lost societies in SE Asia, by the way.

    Back on the topic of the Mashco Piro and whether they should be viewed as a sort of human "endangered species" - it is an interesting ethical topic.

    Should modern society, for example, proactively PREVENT them from going extinct if that is really their natural path? How would you do that without subtly CHANGING them - perhaps effectively in much the same way that the Tasaday were invented.

    I tend to lean toward recording what we can about them while we have the chance, and helping them to modernize so as to lead better lives.

  • designs

    james- Once they were face to face with a Bulldozer their whole world fast forwarded. Some of these Stone Age type peoples never had the types of modern illnesses we experience and maybe there is something to learn from natural medicines they developed to survive all of these centuries.

    Reminds me of the movie Medicine Man.

  • Jim_TX

    This kinda reminds me of the movie 'Medicine Man' with Sean Connery in it (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104839/).

    I like that movie.

    It is sad that we tend to destroy things that have been around for a long time - in the name of progress.


    Jim TX

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    This might actually be Jehovah's way of operating through the logging and mining industry so as to share the good news of the Kingdom with these people.

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