Welfare Elders

by hoser 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    I had wanted to start this topic before but never had a chance. I'm sure it's been dealt with before so I apologize in advance for bringing up again.

    Do you know of or ever know of Elders who do the very minimum to work so that they can get the maximum child allowance, food stamps, medicaid etc?

    Do they qualify as elders based on having a fine testimony from those on the outside? 1 tim 3:7

    I know more than one, using the system to the full. And guess who's paying? me and you . by our tax dollars

    tell your stories if you would



  • Iamallcool

    thats a great question. (bookmarking)

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    As far as I know, none of the elders or servants in the hall I used to attend received any sort of government benefits. They all had regular, full time jobs or were retired after a standard full time career. There was one young brother who received disability payments, but it was justified in my opinion. There was a sister about my age who wanted to go on disability after her husband died and left her penniless, but she didn't get anywhere with that. She ended up moving to new Hampshire to live with her mother.

  • Iamallcool

    I remember one elder said at the 2008 District Assembly. He said if you receive disability and you do not really deserve the disability checks, you are sinning against the holy spirit because you are stealing from the government under Jehovah's arrangement.

  • palmtree67

    No, I knew a father of 5 children, who quit a secure job to go pioneering.

    His reasoning was that he could get "subsidised" housing, the maximum of government help and in his own words - "the brothers would be obligated to help feed and clothe them because he was pioneering".

    He's retiring age now and still "cleaning".....

  • Broken Promises
  • Glander

    For the most part, I think the majority of JWs I ever knew were good, honest people with a real work ethic. I think the Watchtower Org. has been fortunate to have such people. They certainly don't deserve them.

  • TMS

  • TMS

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yep, a few worked for me. They were leders in the spanish cong. One just quit on me one day. I liked his work as a driver, so I asked what he wanred. Money? time off? What? He said that he already put enough time in so that he can go back to govt aid. He explained that after all the subsidies, it's like he's making 25k a year without taxes. I was shocked, but sure enough, his cong shared the same hall as my cong and I saw that guy pioneering with his family.

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