Pioneering in France set at 30 hours??

by Dogpatch 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    I just received an email from a woman in France that said,

    "Dear Randy, I live in a small town in England and I have found out that the local witnesses have been encouraged to up the amount of pioneering work this month by reason of the fact that dispensation has been given to only do 30 hours of pioneering instead of the usual 50 if that means that more individuals can part . Of course this is the result and also many are trying to do the 50 hours to gain points. I understand that this may be a much larger initiative than just locally and I wander if this is a sign of panic on the part of the GB, to keep the faithful enthused and up the numbers of new converts . Do you think that I am far off the mark ?"

    anyone else heard this?

    Randy Watters

  • wannabefree

    most likely they are just referring to the special month of activity during the memorial season ... it went over so well last year they are doing it again this year ... just for one month (March) ... (and probably every year lest the numbers go down)

  • yesidid

    So is she from England or France?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Maybe she has dual residency. Perhaps she is a history buff who recalls the Norman, esp. the Platangenets, claims to most of France/

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    i think we shall see an ever lowering of the hourly requirement as years tick past.

    They must have good pioneer numbers, and if they can't get that by actually getting more they will lower the hours to match a certain number of higher acheivers than the old 10 hours, that will then see the way clear to become a 'pioneer' without having to do much more than they always do.

    failing that, they can always make up the figures...


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I suppose it's a way to keep the full time publisher numbers up, without losing them to doing menial things like making a living

  • DesirousOfChange

    Just like last year for the Memorial Season, the hourly requirement has been lowered again to 30 hours for the month of either March or April. (Sorry, didn't pay that close of attention.)


  • sir82

    Old news.

    The standard for auxiliary pioneering wss set to 30 hours instead of 50 across the globe for the month of April 2011. About 1/2 of JWs worldwide signed up.

    It was so successful for the WTS, that they are repeating the program worldwide for March 2012. 30 hours instead of 50 for one month.

    Like everything else the WT has come up with, it will be a little less popular this year, then a little less popular the year after that and so on, until eventually it turns into just another excuse to further browbeat the flock.

  • NewChapter

    Pioneering is really easy. It doesn't matter if it's 30 hours or 300 hours. I only have a problem getting in forty hours. It's embarrasing, but since childhood, I have been unable to form the number four with a writing utensil. But I'm perfectly capable of writing any other required number, on a tiny slip of paper.


  • just Ron
    just Ron

    At the kh that I went too the hope was that buy supporting it they may reduce the hours for axillary to that level permanently.

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