There will be special talk this year titled "Is it later than you think?" See the front cover of October 8 1968 Awake as shown below and I am wondering how often they say that phrase over the years. I do not have the WT CD-Rom. Thanks for your help!
How often do the WT say "Is it later than you think?" in their publications?
by Iamallcool 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness My Fury
Nearly as many times as they say "obey the Faithful Slave", or "obey the Governing Body" or "we are Gods chosen organisation".
No Room For George
Damned by their own literature.
edit post: since that magazine was from 1968, can you imagine how many JWs have been whiggin out throughout the years? All the anxiety, stress, fear, depression, amongst other things associated with fear that they're not doing enough and are marked for destruction?
Mostly references to the special edition Awake! (early 70's Yearbooks) and a convention talk "It Is Later Than You Think" in 1949.
Here are a few ....
*** w50 4/1 p. 110 From Nicaragua to Panama ***
All convention attenders were wondering how many of the people would forsake the fiesta to come to hear the Bible talk "It Is Later than You Think!"*** w50 2/1 p. 45 District Assemblies of 1949 in Many Lands ***
From the industrial centers of the north of England the witnesses trekked to the seashore and Blackpool, for the district assembly there June 10-12. So thoroughly did the intensive advertising of the public talk "It Is Later than You Think!" catch on that when the prime minister was late to a social function one of the waiters remarked: "Someone should tell him that it is later than he thinks."*** w50 1/15 p. 28 United States District Assemblies of 1949 ***
But neither fire nor water prevailed against the assembly, and Saturday evening's attendance of 3,109 witnesses swelled to 4,345 for the public talk on Sunday, entitled "It Is Later than You Think!"*** w52 1/15 p. 59 Assemblies in Frankfurt, Berlin, St. John's ***
After a dinner at the Berlin office, Brother Knorr and his companions went to the Woodland Stage, where at the district assembly July 29-31, 1949, a Resolution challenging and protesting to the Communist authorities of East Germany was adopted by 17,232 witnesses, this being followed by a public address by the German branch servant on "It Is Later than You Think" to 33,657 hearers.*** w91 4/1 p. 7 Is It Later Than You Think? ***
Today, a much greater warning of Armageddon's destruction is being sounded, with overwhelming supporting evidence. (Revelation 14:6, 7, 17-20) Millions turn a deaf ear. But time is running out; it is later than they think. Is it later than you think?*** w00 9/1 p. 29 Jehovah Always Rewards His Loyal Ones ***
Brother Knorr's public talk entitled "It Is Later Than You Think!" electrified everyone.*** g83 11/22 p. 25 My Search for Real Happiness ***
The magazine had an eye-catching title, "Is It Later Than You Think?" I looked at it for a few moments, reflecting on what my cousin had told me, and then threw it in my bag.*** g97 1/22 p. 24 "When I Am Weak, Then I Am Powerful" ***
The Witness who brought the magazines had been coming by for about a year, but my routine did not change until I finally read the October 8, 1968, issue of Awake!, entitled "Is It Later Than You Think?" I liked what I read, and happily, it affected my husband in the same way. We began studying and absorbing the truth like sponges. We couldn't get enough of all the wonderful things we were learning. In 1969 we were baptized.*** km 4/91 p. 7 par. 3 Encourage Others to Read The Watchtower ***
"Is It Later Than You Think?" is the thought-provoking title of one of the articles in the April 1, 1991, issue of The Watchtower. The April 15 issue features an article entitled "When Will Lasting Peace Really Come?" These articles can be tied in nicely with the current Topic for Conversation, "World Peace, Is It Near?" -
Not only "Is it? " but "It is....
WT 1950 2/1 p44-45 ..........District Assemblies of 1949 in Many Lands
"Five such assemblies were held under the oversight of the British Branch office, at Blackpool, Brighton, Dundee, Belfast and Leicester. From the industrial centers of the north of England the witnesses trekked to the seashore and Blackpool, for the district assembly there June 10-12. So thoroughly did the intensive advertising of the public talk “IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK!” catch on that when the prime minister was late to a social function one of the waiters remarked: “Someone should tell him that it is later than he thinks.” Saturday sessions were attended by 3,100, on Sunday 6,000 turned out for the public talk, and 177 were immersed."
Ii can remember being told about this Assembly and the catchy title, but it was before my time ......Apparently there was a hit song of the day that went "Enjoy yourself, its later than you think" I guess they ripped off the title?
jojeffer, try google chrome or firefox.
P.S. I just noticed your title, I am not interested.
Simon Morley
We are all hard of hearing as they really said "Is there water in the sink?"
Sounds like they are going to crank up the fear mongering this year once again, as an example ....
Expect to see more of this as they get closer to 20(14) !
I remember years ago when I was a kid, a wt magazine came out with a clock on the front. It showed 1 minute to midnight. Titled "Is it closer than you think?" Then not long down the track another wt magazine came out, yep with a clock on it, difference this time, it was 5 minutes to midnight. Yep the title was "Is it later than you think?"
I grew up being told I wouldn't finish primary school, (finished). I wouldn't finish high school, (finished). I would have children in this system (I did). My children wouldn't grow up in this system, (they did, now 17y & 20y).
Anony Mous
the phrase "later than you think" appears in 37 articles since the 1950's, 11 of them use the phrase "is it later than you think". It was a title to a talk of Knorr, one of the WTBTS president's.
Actually, JW's are not encouraged to think so "we think" appears 426 times, the phrase "you should think" only 12 times.