12% of JWs Think Gay Is OK? Really?

by metatron 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I was reading Pat Buchanan's book, "Suicide of a Superpower". On page 71, he speaks about the growing acceptance of homosexuality amidst religions. He claims that 12% of JW's think gay behavior is OK.

    Really? And where are these self identified Jehovah's Witnesses who think that gay is OK? Is the Governing Body worried about this ? California congregations, I'll bet.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    California or NY. I think that number is correct.

    In da troof we call 'em "artistic" not gay.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I would say that 12% isn't too far off the mark and more than likely higher, closer to 20% and more is my guess. My motto is live and let live and I'm very much straght and an active JW with my share of privileges within the Pharisaic Org! And I know good and well that I'm not alone in acceptance of the gay lifestyle. An active JW just doesn't go around talking about his acceptance of these beautiful people..... if one knows whats' good for him?

    So quit being so damn judgmental, WTBTS!

  • Diest

    It is from the Pew Center's site. There is no guarantee that they are active by JW standards. Most likely they just self identify.

  • TimothyT

    Lol... You will probably find that those 12% are surppressed homosexuals. Hahahaha! I certainly would have agreed with it when I was a JW! :)

    Oh how lovely it is to be gay and free..... :)

  • thetrueone

    Many religious identifying social moral standards are becoming uselessly redundant as knowledge of humanity increases.

    Since most of these social standards were developed thousands of years ago by ancient civilizations is this really surprising.

  • Berengaria
    Oh how lovely it is to be gay and free..... :)

    I am so damn happy for you!! I can't imagine that burden among the rest.

  • NewChapter

    I was one of the 12%, but I couldn't say it out loud. I don't know how I managed to stay in as long as I did---but cognitive dissonance ran strong with this one. My stomach would tighten when people started talking about the horrors of homosexuality, I would counter with the idea that the bible didn't hold homosexuality as any worse than heterosexual fornication---therefore there was no need to have a special hate for it. When some would announce that they would no longer listen to certain bands because they have gay members, I would ask them if they also rejected bands that were involved in other types of fornication.

    Now today, I don't even recognize the concept of fornication. It's just a way to give a perjorative label to something based on the bible's moral code which no longer holds authority for me.

    12% sounds high at first---but then I think of myself and my silence. We don't know who the others are----until they end up here and fess up.

    Oh how lovely it is to not hate gay people---and to be free to say so!


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    " My stomach would tighten when people started talking about the horrors of homosexuality, I would counter with the idea that the bible didn't hold homosexuality as any worse than heterosexual fornication---therefore there was no need to have a special hate for it. When some would announce that they would no longer listen to certain bands because they have gay members, I would ask them if they also rejected bands that were involved in other types of fornication."

    Same mental gymnastics I performed NC. One of my first "pioneer jobs" right out of high school was with a gay couple who treated me well, really nice guys. At one point, one of them even studied with a couple sisters from my hall and came to see me give a public talk! (we have a pretty liberal hall)

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    12% sounds about right. Remember the Pew statistics group do not necessarily verify whether the people interviewed are practicing the religion, they merely ask what religion you are and there are a bunch that show up at the memorial and meetings calling themselves JW's but they're not considered "active" by their congregations.

    I would still call myself a JW if it were simply to skew the statistics, we, the vocals are in the minority. There are a bunch more in the org that know something is wrong and not necessarily agree with everything, I myself have been in that state for the last 14 years being a born-in but when I got old enough I knew this was simply "another church" and I knew that in order to function in society I had to accept certain things such as homosexuality. I literally had 2 sets of values, one in the WT org and one at work or around worldly friends, I simply didn't answer the questions when it came to the sore topics. It wasn't until adherence to the cult threatened to kill my child that I really stepped out.

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