12% of JWs Think Gay Is OK? Really?

by metatron 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • mariemcg

    i second you on that Timothy-t scince i stopped going to meetings i feel as if a weight of my shoulders has been lifted.. No longer do i feel or being made to feel inadequate for my gender identityn disorder.. halleujah.. xx

    At any rate, Jehovah's Witnesses don't do polls,.....DJeggNogg

    That hate can be replaced with love is illustrated by a survey taken in 1994 of 145,958 of Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany.
    In some countries one marriage out of every two or three ends in divorce. But the above-mentioned survey indicated that

    only 4.9 percent of the Witnesses are divorced or separated from their mates." Awake 1997 Sep 8 p.11

    Once again DjEggNogg wins the..




  • metatron

    Outlaw, I'm speechless.


    At any rate, Jehovah's Witnesses don't do polls,.....DJeggNogg

    Survey: Jehovah's Witnesses pray the most nationally Thursday, May 07, 2009 By Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

    On this National Day of Prayer, a survey finds that Jehovah's Witnesses are the most likely Americans to pray daily, Catholics are just below average and 5 percent of atheists claim to pray daily.

    "It's more likely [atheists] enjoy messing with the people doing the survey," said Stuart Bechman, president of the Atheist Alliance International. "Maybe they are talking about grace at dinner with a religious family."

    In the survey of 35,000 Americans from the Pew Research Center, Jews pray the least among faith groups, with 26 percent of its members praying once a day.

    Many Jews wouldn't count the mealtime blessing over bread, since prayer requires a minyan, or gathering of 10 adults, said Rabbi Art Donsky of Temple Ohav Shalom, McCandless. Since the survey question was about prayer outside of services, that may explain the low number.

    "For the average Jewish person, prayer is an organized minyan in a synagogue," he said.

    Ernie Frederick, 75, of Kennedy, is director of the Pittsburgh Prayer Network, which encourages people to pray for their community. People often give up because they don't understand prayer, he said.

    "People tend to think of prayer as a candy machine, where I put the right God words in and pull the lever and God gives us his goodies. They think of answers to prayer as objects rather than as expressions of his will and purpose for us," he said.

    He organized a two-hour National Day of Prayer observance in Market Square, beginning at 11:30 a.m. today. Nationally, the day's activities tend to be dominated by white evangelicals.

    Two groups that are outside the evangelical category due to doctrinal differences pray the most. Eighty-nine percent of Jehovah's Witnesses and 82 percent of Mormons say they pray daily. Among members of historically black Protestant churches, 80 percent said they pray daily.

    Those are followed, in order, by white evangelicals, Muslims, Hindus, Orthodox Christians and Catholics. Among those who pray the least, 53 percent of mainline Protestants, 45 percent of Buddhists, and 26 percent of Jews said they pray at least once a day.

    The survey found that daily prayer increases with age, decreases with income and that women are more likely than men to pray daily.

    None of that surprises the Rev. Lorraine Williams, pastor of Stanton Heights United Methodist Church and founder of Intercessors of Pittsburgh. As a black pastor in a mainline Protestant church with strong ties to the white evangelical community, she's part of many Christian cultures.

    The poor, the aged and women pray more because "these are people who can sense their need for strength and Christ more than others," she said.

    Historically black churches have a culture of praising God at all times, she said.

    "They thank God every day for waking them up in the morning," she said. "Even when there is injustice, they bring God into it and trust in him."

    White evangelicals may pray less than black Protestants because their approach to prayer is more formal, she said. She suspects that mainline Protestants pray less because they tend to pray from written texts and their churches are less likely to encourage a personal relationship with God.

    Jehovah's Witnesses pray more because their faith teaches them to do everything with prayer, said J.R. Brown, director of public information for the Watchtower Society, an organization for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    "It isn't just something we resort to when there is some problem in life, but is part of our life," he said.

    Prayer is strongly encouraged in Mormon homes, and members are called on to offer public prayer in services, said Brennen Murray, president of the Pittsburgh stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    The church's own survey of young people found that "while prayer in the family was good, the sign of true devotion in which people followed more closely the tenets of the church was if they were having their own personal prayers," he said.

    A stake president is similar to a bishop in other traditions, but is unpaid. Mr. Murray earns his living as a representative of the Ford Motor Company to franchise owners. Susan Muto, a Catholic and executive director of Epiphany Academy in Beechview, which teaches Christian spiritual practices, was disappointed that Catholics were just average.

    "If you do not pray, you risk dying spiritually," she said.

    Although the Catholic Church offers many prayer techniques, such as the rosary, she warned against using those without an awareness of God's presence.

    "If you start praying the techniques of prayer in a vacuum, they can just become routine vocal prayer and never get to the deep relationship with God," she said

    Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09127/968315-51.stm#ixzz1mCoCx7JZ


    When you read a DJEggNogg Post you can count on..

    100% Bullshit..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • no_h8_in_my_heart
    Oh how lovely it is to be gay and free..... :)

    True dat, TimothyT

  • shamus100
  • shamus100

    The above post is for Timmy and I. :D


    Where did "Blah-Blah-Blah DjEggNogg" go?..

    Is he hiding from his Lies?..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • GromitSK

    Apparently 80% of gays think it's ok to be gay.

  • djeggnog

    @metatron wrote:

    I was reading Pat Buchanan's book, "Suicide of a Superpower". On page 71, he speaks about the growing acceptance of homosexuality amidst religions. He claims that 12% of JW's think gay behavior is OK.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Pat Buchanan is a Catholic that evidently is of the belief that Jehovah's Witnesses are a part of mainstream Christianity, which is odd since Buchanan used to know that Jehovah's Witnesses didn't vote or participate in political polls, which is the only sure way that he could possibly have been able to come up with such as figure as 12%....

    I have no way of knowing if this figure of 12% was an accurate one, but I thought it suspect, and, if true, it could only have been based on a poll taken by folks identifying themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses [since] Jehovah's Witnesses do not participate in such polls....

    Buchanan believes Jehovah's Witnesses are a part of the mainstream, because I can think of no other reason why he would have written in his book "that 12% of JW's think gay behavior is OK," unless this quote of @metatron's should in some way mischaracterize what Buchanan wrote in his book.

    @metatron wrote:

    You don't like my characterization of Pat Buchanan's comments?

    I didn't say this. Go back and read what it was I wrote again. Either you read what I wrote too fast, or you're too stupid to understand what it was I wrote. This mischaracterization wouldn't be yours; it would be Buchanan's since you indicated that this 12% figure was the claim he made in his book. For the mentally challenged in the room -- hopefully not you, @metatron -- the words "this quote" refers to Pat Buchanan.

    @OUTLAW wrote:

    On this National Day of Prayer, a survey finds that Jehovah's Witnesses are the most likely Americans to pray daily, Catholics are just below average and 5 percent of atheists claim to pray daily.

    Do you happen to know who it was that conducted this survey? Was it (a) Jehovah's Witnesses? (b) Roman Catholics? (c) Atheists? (d) None of the above?

    Eighty-nine percent of Jehovah's Witnesses and 82 percent of Mormons say they pray daily.

    Who conducted these polls? Was it (a) Jehovah's Witnesses? (b) Mormons? (C) None of the above?

    Among members of historically black Protestant churches, 80 percent said they pray daily. [ΒΆ] Those are followed, in order, by white evangelicals, Muslims, Hindus, Orthodox Christians and Catholics. Among those who pray the least, 53 percent of mainline Protestants, 45 percent of Buddhists, and 26 percent of Jews said they pray at least once a day.

    If the survey that was taken here had to do with the number of times that various religious groups "pray at least once a day," it strikes me that Muslims -- there are 1.6 billion adherents of Islam in the world, more than 200 million of them living in Indonesia, and about 175 million each living in Pakistan and India, respectively -- may pray more than most, for they pray five times every day: Before dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at sunset and in the evening (after sunset). There are some 2.1 billion people that identify themselves as Christians with 175 million of them each living in the United States and Brazil; 105 million living in Mexico; 100 million living in Russia; 90 million living in the Philippines; 75 million living in Nigeria. But my question is, who conducted the survey of these two major religious groups?

    Was it (a) Jehovah's Witnesses? (b) Someone other than Jehovah's Witnesses?

    The survey found that daily prayer increases with age, decreases with income and that women are more likely than men to pray daily.

    Jehovah's Witnesses pray more because their faith teaches them to do everything with prayer, said J.R. Brown, director of public information for the Watchtower Society, an organization for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The Watchtower Society isn't an organization for Jehovah's Witnesses, is it? Anyway, I don't know who wrote this piece, but I know that J.R. Brown -- I like "J.R." -- didn't write it. I'd be curious to know what point you had in mind when you quoted th, for this statement you quoted isn't based on a poll that Jehovah's Witnesses conducted, and while we do keep meticulous records, we don't participate in political polls. If we did, do you think we should count 2.1 billion people as "Christians" or as "professed Christians"? I hardly respond to any of your posts, @OUTLAW, because I think you hide behind your silliness, which prevents me from learning what you really think or how you think. Maybe you'll consider having someone come here to tell us when you're gone so that someone might do a montage of your posts, the funnier ones.

    I think you are a talent, with an interesting wit, overall, an entertaining guy, even if it should turn out that you were an entertaining gal.


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