Thanks for all the replies ! Been busy cleaning house and the yard so I'll reply to pg. 1 first then come back later for pg. 2.
00DAD- I believe one time somebody who had been at Bethel DID put a thread up about how the WT society Writing committee actually has Harvard or Madison Avenue type marketing or advertising professionals come in and assist in the ideas of how to present the WT articles to make them more catchy. By the way- you and your wife will have to cook for me and my wife some day. I love paprika in food. Love spicy food. The WT society always tells JW's that if they doubt something WT society teaches that THEY must have the problem. Most cults do that trying to shift the blame to the followers and the attention away from the cult leaders. WT society does it as well.
SHAMUS- Monkeys like hot & spicy food ??
TORNAPART- I imagine the WT society is getting TONS of mail and TONS of phone calls as well as reports from Circuit Overseers that MANY JW's are exhausted and tired of giving up careers and lives for the WT society's behalf. I can only imagine the negative feedback going back to Bethel. I mean - what do the WT leaders expect ? Jesus Christ.
BALTAR 447- Exactly. How can we FORCE someone or tell someone to b happy if they aren't ? Yet the WT society expects JW's to feel that way, even if it's fake.
BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS- I agree- JW's are pissed off, broke, and tired . And probably tired of being deceived and duped with false promises as well ! It really IS exhausting looking at these articles and the mind games the WT Writing committee puts people through reading it. I was really pissed off at the WT leaders after writing this thread. And exhausted . Of course- I'm always pissed off at the WT leaders. What else is new ? LOL !
FINALLY AWAKE- I agree with you . I'm happier than I've ever been as well the last 8 years since I left the organization. Isn't it amazing the lack of pressure and tension we feel once we exit the Witnesses ? It's like a ton of bricks is lifted off of your shoulders !
LONG HAIR GAL- Thanks. I agree with you. I think WT leaders have ALWAYS felt threatened by the memories that Witnesses have of their pre-Witness life so that's why the WT leaders try so hard to make JW's FORGET the past so they can control them more in the present. And you are correct- the truth is that EVERYBODY'S life becomes harder once they join the Witnesses ! More demands are put on their time and assets and there is more control exerted on rank & file JW's lives. And the WT society is very manipulative in the words they use in this article in how they control Witnesses
I'll be back to answer pg. 2 in awhile. Gotta get back to work, more to do. Thanks !