3/15 WT- " Forget the Good Times you had Prior to being JW - Can't .........

by flipper 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the replies ! Been busy cleaning house and the yard so I'll reply to pg. 1 first then come back later for pg. 2.

    00DAD- I believe one time somebody who had been at Bethel DID put a thread up about how the WT society Writing committee actually has Harvard or Madison Avenue type marketing or advertising professionals come in and assist in the ideas of how to present the WT articles to make them more catchy. By the way- you and your wife will have to cook for me and my wife some day. I love paprika in food. Love spicy food. The WT society always tells JW's that if they doubt something WT society teaches that THEY must have the problem. Most cults do that trying to shift the blame to the followers and the attention away from the cult leaders. WT society does it as well.

    SHAMUS- Monkeys like hot & spicy food ??

    TORNAPART- I imagine the WT society is getting TONS of mail and TONS of phone calls as well as reports from Circuit Overseers that MANY JW's are exhausted and tired of giving up careers and lives for the WT society's behalf. I can only imagine the negative feedback going back to Bethel. I mean - what do the WT leaders expect ? Jesus Christ.

    BALTAR 447- Exactly. How can we FORCE someone or tell someone to b happy if they aren't ? Yet the WT society expects JW's to feel that way, even if it's fake.

    BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS- I agree- JW's are pissed off, broke, and tired . And probably tired of being deceived and duped with false promises as well ! It really IS exhausting looking at these articles and the mind games the WT Writing committee puts people through reading it. I was really pissed off at the WT leaders after writing this thread. And exhausted . Of course- I'm always pissed off at the WT leaders. What else is new ? LOL !

    FINALLY AWAKE- I agree with you . I'm happier than I've ever been as well the last 8 years since I left the organization. Isn't it amazing the lack of pressure and tension we feel once we exit the Witnesses ? It's like a ton of bricks is lifted off of your shoulders !

    LONG HAIR GAL- Thanks. I agree with you. I think WT leaders have ALWAYS felt threatened by the memories that Witnesses have of their pre-Witness life so that's why the WT leaders try so hard to make JW's FORGET the past so they can control them more in the present. And you are correct- the truth is that EVERYBODY'S life becomes harder once they join the Witnesses ! More demands are put on their time and assets and there is more control exerted on rank & file JW's lives. And the WT society is very manipulative in the words they use in this article in how they control Witnesses

    I'll be back to answer pg. 2 in awhile. Gotta get back to work, more to do. Thanks !

  • carla

    I know when my jw first joined up his memory was severly affected! It was downright frightening to me. He did not seem to remember many things from our past. It was as if the wt sucked the memories right out of his brain or there were memories he still had but wished he didn't because those were in his evil sinful non jw days. Not to diminish anyone suffering from alzheimers but I could understand what loved ones go through when one is diagnosed with that terrible disease because my jw appeared to have some sort self/cult induced selective alzheimers. It was scary as hell at the time.

    Now? after many years in the cult the memories resurface and often with warm affection. Guess the wt can't win all the time, sometimes the heart is stronger than the cult.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thank you so much for this post flipper. For the first time in about six months I actually listened to this CD of the WT. I was so upset as I was listening while I was driving, I realize I have to quite even listening. I was hoping you would post something as I was so upset to even try to write something that made any sense to explain the crazyness of it.

    You have said it all so well thank you, it just makes my blood boil the crap that they say.


  • flipper

    OUTLAW- Love your brain check cartoon. Really funny !

    JUST RON- I hear you. It irritates me that the GB and WT leaders at Bethel have everything handed to them on a silver platter. They have no idea what it's like to earn a REAL living like most normal people in the world. I'm glad I don't donate anymore either. Been out 8 years. I never donated much anyway.

    THE REVEALER- I'm sure it does cost a lot to keep Bethel running. But it's not too much for the WT society a billion $$$ corporation who relies on slave labor to keep it running.

    YOURMOMMA- Very good point you make which I agree with. I've been saying the same thing for a long time. The WT society leaders are NOT "victims of victims " , they are VERY skilled at manipulation, control, and the pushing of propaganda. They know EXACTLY what manipulation they are pulling on JW's. It's really wicked and evil. They are trying to steal away JW's freedoms on purpose.

    TORNAPART- Exactly. The WT leaders know EXACTLY what they are doing in a manipulative way.

    BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS- Yep. WT leaders know the deception they are pulling.

    SCARY 21 - Good point you make. The WT society tells JW's what to think, how to feel, and controls their every move. If the WT society tells JW's their lives were horrible before being JW's then they have to look at it that way, otherwise they are considered rebellious . It's ridiculous the amount of control WT leaders have.

    3RDGEN- Thanks. Don't feel bad about your brain rotting in the Witnesses for 60 years. You aren't alone. My brain rotted for 44 years then I finally got out. We just have to be relieved that we finally got out in time. Gotta enjoy our life now !

    DESIROUS OF CHANGE- Exactly. WT society is getting nervous they are losing control of JW members. I'm sure more articles will come forth warning about " independent thinking ".

    MARY- Very true. The WT society IS losing control of it's people. So as Steve Hassan said in his books cults get more aggressive in screwing down the control measures as they get more desperate in holding onto members. I feel that's what we are seeing here with the WT society indeed. That's interesting your JW dad is getting frustrated about the two timing WT society. Hopefully he'll leave the Witnesses, you think ? I agree with you- I think we are going to see a lot of lawsuits against the WT society in the next 5 years or so whether it's child abuse, blood transfusions, or slander - I think it's reached a tipping point where many JW's or ex-JW's aren't going to take it anymore being treated unjustly.

    TORNAPART- It's amazing how controlling the WT society has been through the years and how much they've gotten away with ! If young people followed the advice not to marry in the early 1940's - no one would ever have had kids ! I hope more JW's are waking up to the fact they better not follow the WT society's advice- but the ones I know are more mind controlled than ever !

    METATRON- I agree, the WT society insults the intelligence of ALL JW's and creates the insecurities in the witnesses so much it destroys their self esteem. And I agree- it won't turn out well for the WT society leaders.

    NUGGET- As Steve Hassan mentioned in his books most cults like the WT society cannot deliver on the promises to their members. There will never be a " paradise " . So as you say the WT society trashes the Witnesses chances of pursuing a career by putting down the earning of a living and continues giving JW's a " fake " promise of a fantasy " paradise " as a carrot in front of them to keep them duped, deceived, and hooked into their scam.

    CANTLEAVE- I hear ya my friend. I don't have good memories either of being a JW. I was scammed like you and everyone else. Such bastards the WT leaders are

  • flipper

    CARLA- Wow. That is really something. So it seems the WT society actually sucks the memory right out of JW's brains according to what happened to your husband ! I agree ! I've seen it happen in my JW relatives. It's crazy ! It's like jW's get " selective amnesia " where they lose their authentic personality and lose much of their empathy for other people , friends, and relatives. I'm glad your husband hasn't lost all of his caring personality towards you- otherwise it would be tough for you to take for sure !

    LIFE IS TOO SHORT- Thanks. It makes my blood boil as well when I think of how controlled my JW family is from all of this WT " garbage propaganda" which pollutes their authentic minds and turns them into programmed robots ! Yeah, I'm sure listening to that CD really is annoying for sure ! I think you are right, best to not listen to it anymore. Why make yourself upset and anxious and stressed out ? It's stressing enough for you and me to have to deal with the JW relatives we both have ! LOL ! Hang in there sis. You're doin' good

  • hoser

    Mary said:

    Several years ago, the District Overseer (that smug, self-righteous jackass, Ernest Pandachuk) was giving a talk at the assembly when he said "Brothers; if you knew 40 years ago that Armageddon wouldn't be here by now, would you do things differently?

  • scooterspank

    Thankfully I have a hard time remembering being in that crap!!! Apparently my mother is going with their idea and forgetting what life was like out. (apologies, I'm in a very pissy mood tonight, she's like a stranger to me now).

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Lately I've been feeling like my brain has turned to Swiss cheese. Just ROn will mention something that happened, and I won't remember it at all. I've even noticed that I don't remember things at work like I used to. I guess I had to learn how not to retain anything in order to keep from noticing the inconsistencies and flipflopping in doctrine. I feel like I've lost 50 points off my IQ thanks to the Borg.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Since I was a born-in I have no good memories of the past or the good old days. I can only look back in horror that I gave my entire childhood and half of my adulthood to a cult. Is that the devil controlling my thoughts again? I have had a great time the last four years that we have been out........there I go again, so mentally diseased that I can't even trust my own thoughts. LOL NMKA

  • flipper

    HOSER- I liked Mary's quote as well from that insane District Overseer. I think most of us here would have done things A LOT differently if we knew 40 years ago what we know now- that Armageddon is an unreality and the WT society just used it as a marketing tool to keep us and 7 million JW's controlled through fear . We'd all have lived our lives VERY differently.

    SCOOTERSPANK- I know how you feel having a parent who is so blinded by the mind control of the WT society. Both my parents have been JW's for over 60 years - now in their mid 80's. They are just as mind controlled as they always were. It's frustrating but you know what ? At least you and I got out of the Witnesses and we have our freedom of mind and thinking. That's something to be happy about !

    FINALLY AWAKE- Yeah, it takes some time for us to get our critical thinking ability back after exiting the Witnesses. So be patient with yourself. It took me several years to start thinking with an open mind and getting all my authentic, non-Witness brain cells back . LOL ! You will do fine. Just keep reading information like Steve Hassan's two books on Mind Control and it will really help you to think clearly again. I'm sure you know the titles of his books but if not they are : " Combatting Cult Mind Control " & " Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to Think for Themselves " . Excellent reads and I highly recommend it for any of us exiting the Witnesses.

    NO MORE KOOL AID- Believe me, if you've been out of the JW's for 4 years, you're able to trust your thoughts now. Especially if you haven't been to meetings. But that's why books like Steve Hassan's two books were so helpful to me as it helped me to see a different way of thinking and making my brain operate . Once we get out of the Witnesses any information that helps us to think authentically and clearly in our brains without WT cult influence is definitely a good thing ! I know how you feel though. I was born in the JW's and exited 8 years ago after 44 years from birth inside the org. But the last 8 years have been the happiest, most fulfilling years of my life ! I think free, I live free, and I love life in the here and now - which I wasn't allowed to do inside Jehovah's Witnesses. They always told us we had to wait until the " paradise " to be happy- which was a lie. We can be happy now

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