Credit goes to Anonymous * 2012 April Kingdom Ministry-PDF! * * * Atlantis
2012 April Kingdom Ministry-PDF!
by Atlantis 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Your very welcome!
Thanks Atlantis. You're way ahead of the JWs. I'm impressed!
Week of April 16 will consider the DVD Faith In Action (2010)
Question (9) reads:
Years in advance, what did the Bible Students expect to occur in 1914?
Answer: While the DVD does admit that they expected their "heavenly reward", it also falsely claims on two occasions that they expected Jesus to take the throne in 1914. Obviously this is FALSE since they were taught that Jesus had already tkaen the throne in 1874... It wasn't until the 1920's that they changed this to 1914....
Another convention advertising campaign three weeks prior to the convention. They sure love to keep jws running in circles. How sad that so many are so busy wasting time they have no time to catch a breath and think for a minute what GB are doing to them and their families.
Thanks Atlantis!
I notice donations at the conventions should now be made out to Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, instead of to Watchtower or Watch Tower. Hmm, sounds suspicious to me.
And of course they make mention of making donations with your credit and debit cards, and another article also mentions making more donations. The GB are not greedy are they? They can't be having any cash-flow problems or slowdowns can they? After all, Jehovah is backing them 100%.
I guess what I noticed most was Page 7 --
5 min: “Two Coins of Little Value.” Talk.
The article is about giving a little even if that's all you have to give.
There is the Real Estate sell off in Brooklyn, cutting US Bethel workers and shifting work to Canada, cutting Bethel staff and sending them out as Spec Pioneers, retiring older Bethelites while still recruiting teens and 10-somethings, bringing COs in that are not yet dry-behind-the-ears. All this strategy seems to be in an effort to save money. Cost of health insurance in the US seems to be a major issue. But all that has been speculation. NOW however, begging those of little means to go ahead and give the little that you have.Have they forgotten Russell's words:
Brother Russell stated: “‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.' Consistent with that, there is no begging for money in the literature of Jehovah’s Witnesses." Quote from jv Chap 21, page 340
Is it time to suspend publication?
they sure seem to be begging now, don't they?
Field Service Highlights
We are happy to report a new peak of 176 regular pioneers
in the Bahamas during November 2011, an increase
of 6 over the previous peak in September 2011.
Also, when compared to the same month last year, the
following increases in hours were reported: 5.8 percent
in the Bahamas, 15.9 percent in Bermuda, 2.6 percent in
the Turks and Caicos Islands, and 2.8 percent in the
United States. These consistent increases reflect our
heart’s desire to remain ‘steadfast and unmovable’ in
the Lord’swork.—1 Cor. 15:58.
Talk about milking a barren cow for all its worth. At first gloss, I got the impression that the increases referred to publishers - then I took another look: The increases refer to number of hours spent preaching compared to the previous month. So, all you need do is follow a low-hours month with a higher-hours month and you've got an increase. Magic! Notice the silence over any stagnation and decreases in publisher numbers which is increasingly evident in Western countries.