Hours usually go up when the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger hounds the flock to do more. Especially "There are five Saturdays, so everyone must pious-sneer" months. Then they boast about such increases--the whole thing is such a scam that anyone not knowing better would think it's from Nigeria (the land of the 419 Scam). And very disjointed factoids--no mention of home countries, where hours are likely to be down significantly from last year's push.
And, another waste of paper distribution campaign. 3 weeks where everyone is supposed to waste all their time pushing these wastes of paper--when they should be taking care of winter damage and repairing things. Spring cleaning, fixing that roof, painting parts of the house, re-sealing your driveway, and taking care of that yard all take a back seat because everyone is supposed to be pious-sneering. Five Saturdays and a 30 hour requirement mean everyone has to do it. And next month, there are five Sundays--again, they want everyone pious-sneering, and out all day through April 5 handing out wastes of paper.