Whitney Houston, We Will Miss You Forever! Dam Drugs, I Hate Them!

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    I am working on a paper about the Suicide and Economic Index of Happiness, Reuters shoots her death, pass my desk, "Sh*T , I think" Life can be so brutal. With this in mind, I would like to ask you if you are happy, with your current life, if not are you working towards it? There is a decent size group of Ex-JWs and JWs who have "checked out of this existence" mentally, and allow shi**y people to screw their brains up.

    Is your life working, to the best of your ability, with your current resources (emotional, human, financial) and are you thriving? People, we need to try to "Thrive" Thrive, Thrive, in this boiling pot, called life! Whitney had every advantage and no advantage "Paradox of Wealth" simultaneously. I hope Jehovah, Jesus or Life is watching over you, and keeping you warm tonight. Prayers to Whitney's family and Bless you all JWN!

  • dinah

    Just because Whitney had money, it couldn't magically fix her. What does that tell you?

    Her death makes me sad. Twenty years ago, she seemed to have it all.

    You can blame drugs, but it takes a certain feeling of hopelessness or loss of direction to fully embrace that lifestyle.

  • Sayswho

    Sad to hear of her death... However Pharmaceutical drugs Kill more people then so called illegal drugs ... Google it.

    • Did you know that Pharmaceutical based Medicine is officially one of the Leading Causes of Death & Injury in Developed Countries?
    • (2009 - causes of death - annual causes of death by cause )

      Cause of death 1


      All causes


      Cardiovascular diseases


      Malignant neoplasms


      Lack of Health Insurance 3


      Drug induced 2




      Motor vehicle accidents


      Septicemia (infections)


      by Firearms


      Accidental poisoning


      Alcohol induced




      Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)


      Viral hepatitis


      Cannabis (Marijuana)


      *Life is cheap... it can be taken from you quickly and in many different ways.


  • bigmouth

    Lack of Health Insurance 3 -- WTF????

    Can you tell me what note 3 is please.

    "I'm sorry Mrs Jones, your sons lack of health insurance eventually killed him"

  • talesin

    @ bigmouth,, here's an example. It's hard to comprehend when you have the NHS and we in Canada have universal health care as well.

    EDIT: I 'think' your flag is UK, but if it is AU or NZ,, my apologies! urg,, it's so small, could even be an old TX flag,, I see a few stars!

    One of my American friends got sick, and could no longer afford his health care insurance. He owns his own business, and had enough income to 'get by'. He was getting sicker, but could get no treatment until he was below the poverty line. By that time, his cancer was quite far advanced. NOW the gov't will pay for his health care --- NOW.

    How much did the cancer take hold while his source of income dwindled down to the point where he qualified for 'free' health care? We will never know. Many people die because they are cannot afford to get adequate health care. It's hard to believe.

    Here in Canada, some people die because they can not afford the pharmaceuticals they need. I don't know how this works in the UK, but in Canada, unless you are on welfare or have Health Care Insurance,,, no MONEY = no prescription. PERIOD.

    Also, medical bills are the #1 cause of personal bankruptcy in the USA.


  • talesin

    Sorry to go off-topic. Yes! I have worked to that goal all my life. Happiness is a mind-set, and one must roll with life's punches.

    I often think of it like the ocean; sometimes we are riding the crest of a wave, and other times, we are in the trough. It's rarely smooth sailing, but that is just life. It's how we deal with the ups and downs that counts in the long run. Depression and sadness are a part of life, and so are bliss and joy.

    Consciously making a choice to look at life realistically, and refusal to create needless drama, makes for a much happier life. Yes, I am a THRIVER,,, not just a survivor.

    I felt very sad about Whitney Houston's passing. Crack cocaine is second only to crystal meth in its destructive qualities. It's a tough addiction to break, especially for someone like Ms. Houston, who I'm sure was surrounded by sycophants who were quite happy to supply, and no doubt encourage, her drug habit in order to suck off her money.


  • Botzwana

    Had cancer in 97. The cancer cure is found in your local store. A box of frickin baking soda. Two tablespoons a day and you will NEVER have cancer.

    Anyways, I will not get into it but Whitney Houstan negatively affected my family financially. A rotten person and I will always have bad feelings about her.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Is your life working, to the best of your ability, with your current resources (emotional, human, financial) and are you thriving?

    I would answer yes, Bubblegum

    The JW upbring for me was not a totally unhappy one. I was lucky enough to not have abusive parents and to be in a small town congregation that did have a very lovely spirit. It did teach me respect for othe people and gave me a good basic moral compass.

    After leaving them, i didnt descend into delf destruction by alcohol or drugs and took quite a while to become 'normal'. My scars were mental and emotional from the self loathing for being a tool of satan and being told i was gutter trash by my wife. It was some time in healing my self esteem. My health suffered with a nervous breakdown and chronic fatigue that still blindsights me from time to time, even on this very day.

    Financialy i was done over and it took a long time to get back on top of things.

    Today i have new wife, a true companion that if i ever lost would never be replaced, my relationship with my children is going well and i have a nice but delapidated old home in the country, work self employed from home and can shout us all out for meals whenever i wish. I have a small handful of true friends that i would give body parts to if they needed them.

    I am thriving... if only i could get on top of my fatigue!

    As for Whitney, it seems almost all the singer/actor young deaths always seem to involve drugs or alcohol. very sad.


  • bigmouth

    Talesin, I'm astounded ! I really hadn't twigged how the American health system was geared. I'm going to have to read some more about how it 'works' and why.

    LOL at you seeing stars. The flag is NZ (although I live in Australia now) . NZ has four stars and Oz has six. The Union Jack represents the connection to the British Commonwealth.

    Thanks. Back to topic.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Talespin I like your "life is like an ocean" analogy, talking with a friend, he thought his life was the "River Styx" without the coin in his mouth. He is trying to overcome some addictions, with family shunning (not a exJW, which surprised me, just angry and bitter family squabbles it appears.) "consciously trying to look at life realisticly" so true, so true! With health, it's a bitch for those whose body has betrayed them, by going bananas for no apparent reason. My heart does break, for those who can't pay for medicine or treatment, more signs or posters, are being pasted by those who are begging for money, to treat their cancers. Whitney's battle with her addiction and defeat bummed me out today. I loved her vivacious music, upbeat personality when she first started singing, only to have low lifes introduce her, to self-defeating substances. I hope you ride the wave of life, and remain thriving, and are able to find those, harbors of calmness during the wicked storms

    Aussie It's nice you take the bull by the horn, and have fought the guilt of feeling like a "tool of the Devil". I don't know any honest human, who is able to withstand the guilt, we have been ingrained with, by a group of men. There is a book called "Snakes In Suits", do you think it might apply to those who push their unbibilical guilt tactics, onto people with a heart? With your physical and mental health, do you try to avoid negative people, who are perpetually miserable. I find this simple concept, has helped me reach from my despairs and dark thoughts. The old adage, "misery loves company" is being fullfilled at the Kingdom Hall. The Kingdom Halls, where crazy people are allowed to say mean, stupid and cracked ideas over the loud speaker. If Whitney had avoided her bad boy husband, and socialized with good, realistic humans, who knows?

    "Baking Soda" I have heard good news about baking soda and but it's suppose to have more power with "Organic Apple Cider Vinegar" , other homeopaths are talking about good vinegar from Modena Italy to complement the baking soda to balance your body's PH level and beat Chandia. Asprin too, a tad bit for the inflamation cancer thrives off of, I digress, sorry.

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