I just think it is funny that the Society is failing so miserably controling it's members from using modern social networks .
Before I left, Myspace was the big scary network all our children were warned not to be on ......A young twenty year old sister came to my house after a meeting with the Elders on the service committee They had told her she would not be approved as a pioneer until she deleted her myspace account ! She boo hooed on my shoulder ,but finally gave in to them ....now ELDERS in that very same congregation have Facebook accounts !!!
I always hated it when they would pose questions to the audience like they did as ozzie quoted about . Usually it was about some movie we had seen or book we have read ,then they would offer ,'Well no TRUE Christian would be proud to admit that ...." Just a way to embarrass or manipulate .
As far as theshepard is concerned ,he seems quite young and naive as to how the organization has operated over the past . What he has been privy to, and what I grew up with in the organization are two worlds apart !