I think it has to be the way they treat disfellowshipped persons. As another thread, they simply ignore the person as if they're dead!
What's The Worst Thing You've Heard An Elder Say Or Do?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Amelia Ashton
Don't give African boat people material help because then they will be accepting Bible Studies for the wrong reasons.
It was reported that when 9/11 happened, Brooklyn locked its doors and turned away "worldly" people who sought refuge there.
As I was walking out of my shepherding meeting a brother said "Do you know what this means?"
I'm thinking wow! Jehovah sure decides things awful fast if that be true!
An elder once said to me in my own home, "I hope your parents don't die in armageddon because of you."
Many of them like giving guilt trips.
Besides disfellowshipping me? And do family members who are elders count? Where would I begin?
The service overseer at the now defunked Foothill Farms, CA congregation used to criticize the brothers who did not earn at least $20,000 per year while he lived in a trailer park. That is kinda rude but what he did that really hit a nerve in me was screw some of the pioneers after service. Ya, he would invite one to his trailer and take her for a swim at the swimming pool then have sex with her in the room next to where his bed ridden wife lay sick. He even went so far as to steal away the wife of an elder. They moved to the area from Canada and one day the new elder got a note from his wife. She simply stated that she had LEFT him.
What she did was move in with Service Overseer DON SERGEANT. They were banging away in the same house his wife was bed ridden in. And each meeting this shark would comfort the elder whose wife he had stolen. When the shi* hit the fan it was a scandal and a half. But the biggest scandal was that Sergeant and his slut were reinstated after they married.
All three lied in my JC, in order to trick me ...
These were men I knew all my life, and I have to say, one of them obviously 'didn't want to be there', and never shunned me.
Poor guy drank himself to death, literally. RIP GC, Jr., you were a good man who didn't have many choices in life!
One said if you are single and considering dating someone who is not a JW, then you should just go on down to the mortuary and pick out a corpse.
I found a nice cougar corpse that was mingy fresh!
Now that elder does not want to take any responsibility for my necrophilia problem!