Elder 1 was on a judicial committee. Elder 2's daughter was the culprit in that committee. Elder 1 said to elder 2 "I'll go easy on her if you promise the same if you're ever in this position with one of my kids". This was coming from elder 2's daughter after elder 2 told told her about it many years later.
What's The Worst Thing You've Heard An Elder Say Or Do?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Bubblegum Apotheosis
"outsmartthesystem" Our circuit was told about Bethel opening up their doors, for the 9/11 victims. The military and soon-to-be Homeland Security, only allowed JWs, after Christendom failed to provide hope for the victims. I have seen bad things, but I do wonder and can't imagine a blunder that huge? I can't see Bethel blundering that bad, and sending potential converts packing. The P.R. would be "hell to pay".