Were You In A Constant State Of Worry As A Witness?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I think a lot of Witnesses were literally sick and many of them left and suddenly they were off meds.

  • bottleofwater

    Secure... as in secure in routine...

    Makes sense. Not mentally secure though.

  • scary21

    Not so much worried.....on a day to day bases.. But I pretty much knew I would be dead at the big A. I had a FEAR of dieing at 21 yrs. ( 1975 ). Felt that way from age 6 or 7, that I wasn't good enough.

    So I wanted to have all the life I could have NOW.....Marriage,baby, and lots of FUN and PARTIES.....I rememer one day, sleeping in bed, the window was open and I was awakened by rain. My bed was far away from the window and it was raining on me.. I got up , went to the front door, opened it up......the sky was all GREEN....the sun was shining...and it was raining like crazy. It was so windy that it took all my strenth to close the door. I thought to myself.....Well here it is, the big A . I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be... A little scared but more like ok here we go... This was around 1976. I have never seen weather quite like that since. After that I didn't have as much fear as before........... I did grow up with fear and guilt !......I guess I was good at pushing the worrys aside by keeping busy busy busy living life to the full, and refuseing to worry about something out of my control. Now I look back and laugh at myself.....I laugh alot...It keeps me sane lol lol.. But it still pisses me off that all the FEAR and GUILT was for no reason and it did not have to be that way.........If only I wasn't a born in

  • time2keepmoving

    But I constantly thought, "What if they are wrong...." which created a continual struggle mentally.

    I always thought that, "what if these people are lying to me" and they got me all stressed out over this mess and it's totally bogus! Those constant doubts are part of the reason (not the only reason) why I just had to let that crap GO!

    They worry you to death over doing 'all you can', yet have no real-life solution for someone like me (single parent). They're not doing 'all they can' to address my needs! The needs of the single-parent are ignored and barely mentioned in talks, magazine articles, etc. You want me to do all I can but you ain't doing nothing for me, not even really acknowledging the single-parent or that a great deal of the organization is made up of single-parents.

    They only focused on fictional "brady-bunch/cosby/leave-it-beaver" type families and dismiss the single parent and all of things they have to go through in life, trying to raise child(ren) by themselves.

    It was all so one-dimension. Nothing for you as person or individual (young, single or old), just support the organization. Go to the meetings and field service, that's it. You don't need anything as a person but the constant dogmatic rhetoric from the W&TS. Y.o.u don't matter; your whole goal and existence in life should be to support the organization, bring other people into the cult and Will everything you got to society after you're dead.

    You can't shine as a person, you can't talk about your own personal accomplishes or gifts, you can't take any of the focus off the selfish, mean-spirited, uncaring, cold, dictatorship that is the W&TS.

    They F-Up people families lives and don't give two shits about it, they tear relatives apart and don't even look back at the damaged they've caused. They're just on to the next disfellowshipping event. Local disfunctional, bias elders with personal hang-ups go unchecked because the governing body in Brooklyn (ain't governing shit but their brooklyn operations), is up there in the stratosphere and are completely unconcerned as to what's really going on in these local congregations, nor do they care to know (unless it could cause a scandal and dirty-up their reputation). They are only concerned with the 'bigger picture' their publising house and real estate holdings, they don't have time for bottom-feeders.

    Yes, all of this makes many individuals in the organization stressed out, worry constantly, never happy, fearful and above all it is extremely burdensome and cruel. That is not what Jesus Christ is about, but that is exactly the method the Watchtower and Tract Society utilizes on a daily basis to control their members.

    IMO that's a hellva lot to worry about!

  • stillajwexelder

    Anyone that might feel secure IS crazy!!!

    OH - I knew a long time ago I was crazy minimus!!

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