Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and the irreversible decision

by Celestial 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Celestial

    Some business opportunities unfolded sometime back that required my full attention and excessive work hours that ended up putting a strain on me. I started taking the edge off by drinking alcohol, too much alcohol. The cycle of working and drinking ended up destroying my spirituality and I eventually completely quit attending meetings and every other aspect of Kingdom service.

    But pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. Luke 21:34-35

    The business prospects have successfully resolved themselves and don't demand too much of my time but I haven't stopped drinking too much alcohol.

    I've attempted to rebuild my spirituality five times to date and ended up relapsing after a couple of weeks into an evening of entertainment and drinking.

    I've always been intrigued by entertainment and music that's dark, violent and disturbing. A couple of movies that preoccupied and stood out in my mind as brilliant works of cinematic art were Natural Born Killers and Requiem for a Dream. That's part of my problem.

    Even as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I've occasionally reverted back to music I was drawn to in my rebellious teenager years that went as far as to glorify drug abuse, graphic violence and even satanism. This type of entertainment is actually quite popular in contemporary society and appeals to the imperfect flesh.

    I often sign on to this forum while indulging in other forms of entertainment on my computer. So far, I perceive information disseminated by the “evil slave class” as intriguing, but it seems that those that were once Jehovah's Witnesses on this forum have made an irreversible decision about avoiding their prior faith and have constituted themselves as an enemy to Jehovah's Witnesses. Why is this? Some ex-JWs have been members of this forum for over ten years and continue to read and analyze information published by Jehovah's Witnesses like some sort of obsession. Why don't you broaden your horizons toward the overall paradigm of religion and belief?

    I have a few people on my Facebook page that aren’t Jehovah's Witnesses anymore, but they don't actively oppose JWs on the internet (not to my knowledge anyway).

  • mrsjones5

    "but it seems that those that were once Jehovah's Witnesses on this forum have made an irreversible decision about avoiding their prior faith and have constituted themselves as an enemy to Jehovah's Witnesses. Why is this?"

    Not enemies of jws, opposers of the watchtower yes. I suggest reading some of the experiences of those who were either thrown away or walked away. They have valid reasons for feeling the way they do about the society.

  • N.drew

    So far, I perceive information disseminated by the “evil slave class” as intriguing,

    I perceive that the Governing Body that calls themselves "faithful and discrete" are the evil slave class. I am amazed that it is not obvious to everyone.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    There is no Evil slave class . This forum is made up of many different individuals all with their own reasons for coming here .

    There are a wide variety of topics to follow depending on personal interests . I for one never read any of the doctrine /bible debate threads ,because I no longer care ,but that is just me .

    I am interested in people ,and if I can help someone else with their journey away from Watchtower control then I feel it is still useful to hang around here . It is nice to come to a place where the people understand your past and your pain .

    I don't consider myself an enemy of JW's ,but I have no problem warning others about what they really believe and practice . People have the right to believe what they want ,and if they are happy with it let them be , however, if someone is doubting and searching I am more than happy to share my experience with them .

  • N.drew

    Hi troubled mind. Do you say "there is no evil slave class" because the Bible is not true? Or do you have inside information?

  • elderelite

    It would appear that part of the problem is how you define and view and view things. You seem to feel that not agreeing with the WTBS makes you theor enemy. Far from it. An open doscussion of idea does not make one opposed or an adversary, unless you ask the wtbs. Many of us here are still active witnesses for one reason or another. We come here for moral support and interchange of ideas, some to help in the path to freedom for others and some to be helped... But to classify us as enimies is to use terms to define us that many of us have not chosen to define ourselves.

    If you are though wondering why some remain members here so long after leaving the organization of Jehovahs Witnesses.... Again the resons are as varied as the people themselves. For some, its to "pay it forward" and help others, for some the association is appreciated and its difficult to find others who understand the issues we struggle with, for some its a process to unlearn a life time of cult training... The list goes on and on....

    I however am curious as to why you come here.... What is your feeling on the organization...? Why do haunt these halls....?

  • Sulla

    Well, I guess I'm an enemy of JWs because I hate them with a white-hot hatred, as pure as one can imagine this side of hell, and the thought of bad things happening to them makes me happy inside. I mean, that probably explains it, I think.

  • N.drew

    I come to JWN for the roller coaster ride. It's fun! Funny angry shocked amazed confounded and there's some information too.

    What is the "irreversible decision" Celestial?

    Is it never again believing that they tell the truth?

    They are not faithful and discrete. How can they call themselves discrete and also teach that they are the only truth to be believed for everlasting life? They are men. They are not Christ.

  • Sulla

    You're suggesting they're continuous?

  • jwfacts

    JW's obsessively read the magazines and attend their weekly sales training meetings so as to be able to convert people to their way of thinking.

    ExJWs obsessively read the magazines and attend this forum so as to be able to convert people to their way of thinking.

    I don't think there is that much difference that you should be surprised by or find fault with it.

    Further, of the tens of thousands that leave the Watchtower corporation each year, only a few hundred are long term active participants in forums, so it is not really that much of an issue. As MrsJones mentioned, there is generally good reason why this ones remain actively opposed.

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