I want to share a potential problem that could come up in regards to those that have left the watchtower corporation and no longer accept their doctrines concerning blood.
Obviously step one would be to get rid of the blood card; however...
Recently I was put in the hospital to have an apendectomy. The usual occurs in which a screening process is performed and records are updated before a major surgery; at least if your conscience.
One question the adminstrator nurse asked was whether I was still a Jehovahs Witness member of that church and if I still refused to accept blood. I quickly updated my files telling them my current status and said I would accept blood.
The blood card was an indicator in an emergency if you were to be rushed to a hospital you did not know.
Hospital records are not updated unless we choose to inform them. This is particularly evident in your local area and the most recent hospitals that you may have visited or had treatment when you were a Jehovah's witness church member.
It is something to think about. A bit of advice is to visit the local hospital in your area and get your records updated.
In an emergency, had I been unconscience , and in a life threatening situation, they could have not given me blood and perhaps lead to death over a theological principle that I no longer hold to be true.
My hospital records are now changed.
Peace Maksym