Even if you live at home and are 20, legally you choose your healthcare. You can change your healthcare wishes with your MD and any hospitals or clinics confidentially. They are legally obligated not to tell your parents. Talk to your doctor about the need to keep it confidential and why. Try to find a family member or friend that will support your wishes.
Getting rid of your blood card may not be enough
by maksym 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thank you Rebel8 and Blondie for your replies. Although I do not expect to be hospitalized any time soon, you never know what tomorrow will bring. There's still that paranoid JW inside of me, lol. And yes, I do live in the U.S and will mention it to my doctor when I see him. Thank you for mentioning RHIO.
That was one of the first things I did after my wake up, changed my medical records.