Another Brooklyn Property Sold
by breakfast of champions 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nice property!
breakfast of champions
Yeah, no kidding!
BTW - my iPostate pad is giving me grief trying to make a clickable link
What was this property used for?
breakfast of champions
WANNABEFREE - "ummmmm. . . errrr.... uhhh..... It was used for printing house to house record forms in Urdu." - Official Society response.
To be serious, this is where the mucky mucks (lawyers, doctors, missionaries, branch overseers) stayed.
So the muckety mucks aren't asked to use the same humble living arrangements as the bethelites?
(Luke 12:1, 2) . . ."Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. But there is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed, and secret that will not become known.
This is one of the issues where it is clearly seen that the higher up the organization you go, the more privileges you obtained.
These accommodations where not provided for every day run of the mill Bethel workers, you can be assured of that.
(activated link)
Perhaps they were keeping it to house the worthy ones after they were resurrected.
breakfast of champions
A side note:a couple months ago this property was featured in "The Week" magazine's real estate section where they highlight the swankiest cribs in the US. That week they were featuring remodeled carriage houses, and this was the #1 property on the list. For Christ sakes, you could make a fortune charging people for the parking space alone!
Thanks for making it clickable, WANNABEFREE
But is that, like, a air conditioner window unit in the upper left corner? $4.1mil and a window unit?