1. The Watchtower propagates lies. The people of the Watchtower are forgiving because "what man does not lie?" .
2. They lie in the name of Truth. Who has not heard "are you in the truth"? They believe they are walking in the truth.
3. Chirst is the "the way the truth the life" and some of us believe Christ is the original anointed of YHWH. So they lie for YHWH. But to lie is to sidewith the opposer of YHWH and they know that.
They imagine they are in the truth, they acknowledge they lie, they teach that Satan is the father of the lie. They teach that there is no harmony between Jehovah and Satan. But they advertise they live in a "spiritual paradise" and to believe them is to be promised an Earthly Paradise. And nobody but the "bad" guy is trying to stop them. And this is real life.