What book is that again?
Can we get the whole quote? Even the paragraph?
Saying it "may" come or "could" come is easily defended. Saying it "will" come in a specific time period, not so much. That's how they squirmed out of the 1975 mess. It was just vague enough to later say, "we didn't actually say it would happen...". But the 1914 generation seeing the 'end'... now that's an out and out "will" statement that did prove false.
Problem is, the fallout of the generation change was less than the fallout of the 1975 debacle. And with more proof for the false prediction of the old "generation" teaching than for the 1975 prediction...
Which just goes to show that no matter what they say, they'll squirm out of it yet again. Easily defended or no way to defend it... There will always be a segment of people that will hang on, no matter how plain it is that there is no defense for their false predictions.