*** w57 10/15 p. 624 "Who Is Wise and Understanding Among You?" ***
Today there is an urgency to preach greater than ever before. Within the lifetime of the present generation the war of the great day of God the Almighty will be fought. (Rev. 16:14, 16) The foretold conditions prior to Armageddon have come to pass.
*** w80 12/1 p. 5 Warnings That Should Be Heeded ***
"The war of the great day of God the Almighty," commonly called Armageddon, is sure to come. (Rev. 16:14-16) It will be the final part of the "great tribulation." So does it not make sense, at least, to give consideration to the warnings that Armageddon is near, within the lifetime of most persons now living?
*** w86 7/1 pp. 19-20 par. 8 Living for God's Will-Today and Forever ***
This system of things is into its 72nd year since the crucial date of 1914. Satan's world has lasted longer than many expected. In fact, some faithful Christians who expected to see Armageddon and the beginning of the new system of things in their lifetime have died.
*** UPDATED FOR 2012 PUBLICATION Living for God's Will-Today and Forever ***
This system of things is into its 72nd 98th year since the crucial date of 1914. Satan's world has lasted longer than many any of us expected. In fact, some all faithful Christians who originally expected to see Armageddon and the beginning of the new system of things in their lifetime have died.