Jehovah first created the archangel Michael and put an impersonal, active life force in him. Then he took the impersonal, active life force out of Michael and put it into Jesus for 33 years, then he took the impersonal, active life force out of Jesus and put it back into Michael again. This means that Jesus is Michael except that neither shares any knd of body, mind, will, or emotions. If you do not believe this, you will almost certainly be annihilated at Armageddon.
No one can be saved without becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses and serving his faithful and discreet slave organization, except that some people might be. Who are we to judge?
You should read the Bible every day and go door to door offering everyone a free home Bible study, except that no one can understand the Bible without the Governing Body to explain it to them (including you), so you must instead actually study Watchtower publications. These publications are neither inspired by the holy spirit nor infallible, but they are actually better than the scriptures, even though those are both inspired and infallible.
Salvation is by faith, not works, but if you do not do enough door to door field service preaching, attend enough meetings, or follow the rules well enough, you will not be saved.