If THIS MAN were a Jehovah's Witness 2 million babies would be dead

by Terry 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82

    Is utter stupidity a good enough reason to revoke a poster's membership?

    Wait - this is JWN.....never mind....

  • N.drew

    You don't know what nickname? Andrew.

    I am not smoking. Are you?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    so what was the quailty of the original argument?

  • shamus100

    Is utter stupidity a good enough reason to revoke a poster's membership?

    Wait - this is JWN.....never mind....


    I've made it all these years, I think N.Drew will survive this one and continue to horrify in the long-term.

    Until then, I will do my damndest to understand what she is saying.

  • N.drew

    OK fine. Maybe the Lord (assuming there is a lord) let the command of no blood transfusions allowed lay because heaven knew that that man would cause a cure for the same person who would blow New York City to little bits. Just saying that's all. I mean something that is possible is hardly crazy, now is it?

    None of those offspring will do any harm? Are you sure?

  • N.drew

    Until then, I will do my damndest to understand what she is saying.


  • palmtree67
    I am not smoking. Are you?

    I really wish I was right now.....

  • james_woods

    Dark side of Wibble ---- fading --- f a d i n g --- a l m o s t g o n e ----

  • mrsjones5


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    what scripture is the command of no blood transfusions allowed found?

    so how do u determine which babies we save, and which babies we kill off?

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