Letter to the Writing Department from Barbara Anderson

by Dogpatch 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Don't be so quick to say they will not read the letter.

    OK now in hindsight it is very embarrassing but when I learned of all the pedophiles in my hall I truly thought Bethel would do the right thing and that would be to send someone to fix the problem. I just could not believe that they would let what was happening go on.

    I wrote a bunch of letters begging for help as I was really and truly looseing it at the time. I truly felt it was the "truth" I could not believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. I was very suicidal over it all and I wrote that in many of my letters.

    So anyway I also called Bethel about seven or eight times and I know for a fact that they read everyone of my letters as the "brother" I spoke to mentioned parts from the middle of the letters many times, also they called my local elders about my thoughts on suicide, like that did any good. The PO COBE back slapped one of the pedohiles in a good old boy way right in front of me after the pedophle shoved my husband who was an elder, my husband was deleted but nothing was done to the pedophile.

    I truly think I had them freaked out in some ways. I had police and court records showing how dangerous these men were and the local elder were being so very stupid they even allowed the pedophile's who's court records declares him a sexual psychopath to hold a BABY SHOWER with his wife. How very stupid can the elders be?
    At the time I was still convinced that Jehovah was with this religion and I did not want to live anymore. I am so glad to have found JWN but I think they will read Barbara's letter.

    Plus everyone has also missed the point the letter is not really meant for them as much as it is meant for those who are trying to leave.
    Just my thoughts on it.


  • moshe

    A wasted letter? No one can know who will read this and what action they will take- One thing is certain, most ex-JWs don't challenge JWs and their inaction allows JWs, by default to continue to believe that ex-JWs are mentally diseased.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    and their inaction allows JWs, by default to continue to believe that ex-JWs are mentally diseased.

    How so?

  • RayPublisher

    Bravo Barbara! One person standing against overwhelming odds is one thing. 1,000 is another. 10,000...100,000...where will it end?

    How many enemies can one corporation/religion accumulate before karma or something else ill comes its way?






  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well if it's theraputic then I agree in sending it

  • steve2

    I read the letter and was unexpectedly moved by its reasoned dignity and raw sentiments. It's a direct, powerfully relevant expression of the ways in which the decisions of a small number of men in elite positions wilfully corrupt and distort normal human attachments.

    I've read a lot of what Barbara has written over the years - and not always responded kindly to it. This letter, however, is a stunning exception. In speaking about what she directly observed, including her own keenly felt losses, Barbara speaks for numberless others who have been chewed up and spat out. Who knows that someone at Brooklyn who dares to sneak-read this letter might have a little flicker of their remaining humanity disturbed by what they read?

    Whatever the outcome, the expressive intent of the letter exists as a powerful indictment of how organized religion seldom escapes the temptations of stupid pride and purposeful corruption of normal loving bonds of family and friends.

  • Dagney

    Well said Barbara. Nobody knows better than you what goes on in Columbia Heights.

    You have the power, we all do really, to call them on their crap.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I do understand the motive. These were people she rubbed shoulders with, and now she is the worst kind of apostate to them. I also like to make my presence known in places I'm not wanted

  • whereami

    I'm sure Barbara knows very well that this will fall on deaf ears over in the writing department. But I'm sure this is more for the ones with doubts about their precious organization.

    For the ones that were at the Watchtower study when this garbage was being read, and they themselves didn't agree with it. Now they will see how loving "gods organization" really is.

    Excellent job Barbara.

  • Bangalore

    Great job,Barbara.


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