More anti-apostate rhetoric from the Watchtower - are they running scared?

by cedars 90 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • therevealer

    But you still should kill them - no?

  • cedars

    Raypublisher and therevealer - thanks for bringing out that scripture. I didn't notice the hopelessly inept application at first - I should have looked it up. The quotes from both NWT and ESV are telling. Are they suggesting that apostates should be stoned? I don't believe so, but the implication (as always) lingers like a bad smell...

    Found Sheep - no, I don't go to meetings any more! Just the occasional obligatory event to keep the family happy. I do enjoy checking on the latest Watchtower whenever it comes out though. It seems that incorporating shocking and provocative rhetoric is now becoming a monthy ritual for the Writing Department...


  • 00DAD

    "anyone who claims to be a brother but who is dishonoring God"

    I find this phrase in particular to be especially of concern. WHO exactly determines if someone "claiming to be a brother" is "dishonoring God"?

    And WHAT sorts of activities constitute "dishonoring God"? WHO determines that?

    They are getting more and more Pharisaical as time goes on. It's pretty clear who are the "mentally diseased" ones: the people writing and/or approving of this very dangerous propaganda!


  • notjustyet

    I remember seeing somewhere that there was an article in the past that basically said that the only thing keeping us (JWS) from killing Apostates was due to the current laws of man since they forbade it!!

    Now if you get this weird JW that thinks he would be doing GOD a favor by actually killing a apostate then what do you do with a person like that? I mean we all know that there are some crazies in there, right?

  • therevealer

    16 The quality of love should also stand out in our ministry. But not at home with apostate (so called) husband or wife. Because of our profound love for Jehovah, we will not allow ourselves to be swayed by the apathy or negative response of some householders. Instead, we will keep on preaching the good news. Love will move us to prepare well and to endeavor to be effective in the ministry. If we truly love God and our neighbor, we will not view the Kingdom-preaching work as a chore or a duty. Instead, we will consider it a great privilege and will carry it out joyfully. Or else.

  • jam

    The stupidity of the Watchtower. How much will the

    RF take with all the name calling. You have members

    who mother, father, brother or sister who are df and the

    wt is telling them to consider your love ones as the scum

    of the earth. They are so out of control, if they simple ignore

    us and stop bring so much attention to us Evil apostates and

    causing many to investigate to see what,s all the fuss about.

    The Wt is using the same the tactics that the Nazi used against

    the Jews, dehumanizing.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's obvious the faders are introducing too much food for thought. Also, back in the day, we didn't see many disfellowshippings/faders and if there were, they usually came back. We saw what a hard time they had and concluded that life outside is a life unprotected from the spirit of the world.

    Nowadays, people leave and go to school, live their lives, do something worthwhile. These people succeeding out there are like the fruit hanging from the tree for 'dubs. Will they partake? It's getting harder and harder to convince dubs that a life outside the organization is a toubled life, without meaning or satisfaction.

    I honestly feel the most damage to the WT is not picketing their assemblies or sending out letters, it's going out and living a normal life. Seeing someone ten years out and they are happy and living a higher quality of life is hard to disqualify

  • stuckinamovement

    The Organization cannot refute apostate arguments because they are based in logic and fact. However ignoring the arguments is not effective either. It just feels like they have been knocked off balance and are on their heels.

    Hey Governing Body, Why don't you try to refute apostate arguments and attack the real issues instead of using name calling? Just because you say we are mentally diseased, or dishonoring god, doesn't change the fact that your theology is based on a lie. You have put yourself in an unsustainable position that requires that you use illogical arguments and ad hominem attacks to support. Come on men, act honestly, take on this mass of apostates that actually see you for what you are. If you were right and confident that you were right you would face the issue straight on.

    You are supposedly directed by God. Please show us where we are wrong. Take us on head on and debate the issues instead of hiding under your conference room table in brooklyn lobbing insults. The real truth should be able to stand on its own.

    We do not want followers as you have claimed, We do not want to draw people away from God. We just want you to stop lying and pretending to be God's "spokes-committee". Tell the truth, stand up for what is right.


  • LostGeneration

    Let us therefore have nothing to do with apostates or anyone who claims to be a brother but who is dishonoring God. This should be the case even if he is a family member.

    This is just code for "shun the faders". I'm sure most JWs would say if you aren't going to meetings, then you are dishonoring God.

  • jam

    what happened; It,s funny you mention "Fruit hanging

    from the tree for duds and seeing someone ten years

    out and they are happy and living A higher quality of

    life is hard to disqualify".

    Six years ago I gave an going away party for my son(Never Baptize)

    when he enlisted in the Coast Guard. Several of his

    JW friends attendant the party. One young man came

    up to me and told me, he personally have not known

    anyone that had been out as long as I have and is

    doing great.

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