More anti-apostate rhetoric from the Watchtower - are they running scared?

by cedars 90 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • undercover

    I caught that too LG. Earlier in the article they explain that "striving to live in any other way (not imitating Jehovah) is dishonoring to him and damaging to us".

    So the point in your quote is exactly what you pointed out: code to shun faders and inactive ones

  • Madge
  • JWB

    "Consider the example of the Pharisees and scribes of Jesus' day. When anyone—even a fellow Pharisee—expressed an opinion that differed from that of these proud individuals, they resorted to name-calling and derogatory remarks. (John 7:45-52) Jesus was different. He empathized with others when they expressed themselves to him.—Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 5:25-34." (Watch. 2008, 1 February, page 20, "Managing Conflicts")

    Cedars, thanks for bringing this article to our attention.

    Here are some of my own thoughts.

    The GB thinks it is the representative of a group that has ALREADY been declared "faithful and discreet", a group that they believe has been put in charge of ALL the Master's belongings since around 1918. As representatives of Christ in this role, even though they are still on earth, they must consider themselves to have already "begun ruling" over the 'household' of JWs (This reminded me of 1 Corinthians 4:8). So, they wouldn't consider themselves to be still in position of simply 'serving food'. Maybe this is why they seem to feel they can expect the 'household' to be obedient to their every command.

    On the one hand they tell JWs "be in subjection to the superior authorities" (Romans 13:1-4), that is national governments, yet I see they have opposed the "superior authorities" in Australia by ignoring the very reasonable requirement to have criminal record background checks. It seems they did not feel the scriptural warning "those who have taken a stand against [the superior authorities] will receive judgment to themselves".

    Isaiah 5:20 - The next verse has this to say:

    "Woe to THOSE WHO ARE WISE IN THEIR OWN EYES and clever in their own sight!" (Isaiah 5:21; NASB)

    Matthew 7:6 - The previous verse has this to say:

    "You hypocrite, FIRST TAKE THE LOG OUT OF YOUR OWN EYE, and then you will see clearly how to take the speck out of your brother's eye" (Matthew 7:5; NWT)

    Of course, they have the audacity to speak in the name (or authority) of Jehovah, wanting the respect that goes with being a prophet of God, yet they refuse to accept the accountability that goes with that role, using the "imperfect men" get-out-of-jail-free card. The question is quite simple: Is the GB and the Writing Department being directed by God's spirit or not? Yes or no? Does God's spirit ever get things wrong? If not, then how come there have been so many doctrinal changes over the history of the WTS? Especially since they have supposedly been approved representatives of Jesus Christ himself for the past hundred years or so. If they are not always led by God's spirit, then how would we know when those times might be? And if we find out that something said by them was a "word that Jehovah has not spoken", then would we be bad for maybe thinking that they had been presumptuous, or would we be showing disrespect for God by no longer 'standing in awe' (guwr) of them? (Deuteronomy 18:21-22)

    Is it apostacy to question doctrine? Is loyalty to the interpretations of a self-perpetuating (un-elected) tiny group men more important than loyalty to the truth? If a Catholic began to question the Pope's ecclesiastical authority and started a Bible study with JWs, would the GB consider that person to be courageous? Would the Pope consider that person to be a "mentally diseased" heretic/apostate?

    "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world." (1 John 4:1; NWT)

    "I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars." (Revelation 2:2; NWT)

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “We are not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of … those who are critical of Jehovah’s organization.”

    What happened to this:

    “For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God . . .”—(2 Cor. 10:5, NWT)

    Overturning reasonings is refutation!!!

    The singular reason why it is not beneficial for Watchtower should Jehovah’s Witnesses attempt to refute arguments raised by its critics is that doing so is a liability for Watchtower!

    Good grief! Watchtower might as well tell Jehovah’s Witnesses to stay away from the local library!!!

    Marvin Shilmer

  • 00DAD

    Marvin, nice catch!

    Do what we tell you, unless of course that conflicts with something else we tell you, then do that!

  • JWB

    Marvin, this is what happens when Mother (the WTS) makes her children (JWs) so dependent upon her that her children's emotional growth is stunted. The children cannot cope when Mother is not around to protect them. Likewise, when spiritual babes are not encouraged to attain to the "measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ" (Ephesians 4:13), they won't be able to defend their beliefs very well. Christians should be confident in defending their own faith, not hiding behind publications. Did Jesus run away from the arch-apostate the Devil? No, he confidently defended his own position and refuted his enemy's arguments.

  • Nobleheart

    Cedars, thanks for bringing up this article...

    On one hand the fact they're bringing up apostasy & internet so often lately makes me hope that more people are questioning the Society and this is affecting their status in the org.

    One the other hand, this isn't good for hardcore JWs...who'll now be reminded to shut down their senses to any comment that might make them start to THINK.

  • Nobleheart

    And doesn't the scripture below from Matthew 7:6 being applied to apostates qualify as hate speech?

    "Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip you open."

  • james_woods
    One the other hand, this isn't good for hardcore JWs...who'll now be reminded to shut down their senses to any comment that might make them start to THINK.

    Somehow, I feel that the more they beat this dead horse, the more it will backfire on them and have the opposite effect of what they intended.

  • bennyk

    Let us therefore have nothing to do with ... anyone who claims to be a brother but who is dishonoring God.

    The Governing Body members claim to be a "brother" (of Christ Jesus, in fact). Do you suppose it dishonours God to promulgate false prophecies, promote erroneous teachings and enforce unscriptural practices for decades?

    Perhaps they are simply warning everyone to have nothing to do ... with them.

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