The 1914 end times Watchtower creed plagiarized from William Miller algorithm is by the Watchtower's OWN admission their central doctrine (creed).
Most all belief systems have a creed "Christendom" has the trinity as their creed , Islam has Muhammad,Mormons got Jesus came to America Joseph Smith and golden plates.
The Unitarian Universalism specifically advertise they are the church with no creed (anything goes)
Well 1914 is the creed foundation doctrine that in the old days they proudly proclaimed that they were the ONLY religion who advertise advertise advertise the heralders of Christ presence.
The primary justification for being labeled evil slave was by failing the 1914 loyalty oath.
I believe they will abandon it and it will be the same to outsiders and us 'apostates as the Catholic Church renouncing Mary saying she never existed.The JW will not miss a beat it will just be new light from Jehovah's progressive 'visible' organization.
A true cult.