Latest Watchtower page 30... They have some nerve to put this!

by TimothyT 100 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Dear Readers,

    djeggnog was the one that challenged what I expressed to Timmy. I backed up every one of my statements with Biblical examples. I challenged him to back up his statements and he failed. It doesn't bother me that there are +3000 views on this thread. Since I could so quickly expose his ignorance of the Bible and Watchtower dogma, he chose to launch an ad hominem attack on me. Having been "Owned!!!", he did the only thing a spineless coward could do...

    djeggnog: " I'm going to withdraw from this thread."

    And this is exactly why WT doesn't allow JWs to engage in Internet discussions... they will get "Owned!!!" Having failed in their "spiritual warfare", they copy their true father...

    (Luke 4:13) 13 So the Devil, having concluded all the temptation, retired from him until another convenient time.


    Funny stuff..

    When Eggnogg runs out of BS..He runs,or tries to change the subject..

    He claimed JW`s don`t do Surveys..

    I posted a WBT$ article that advertised a JW survey..

    Eggnogg WatchTard tried to change the subject..


  • TimothyT

    Just looking over my original post, I can see how this JW is a perfect example of what I was talking about. I read a lot of crazy, harsh, derogatory and totaly misapplied points that come from the one and only... Watchtower organisation. As the article I quoted said:

    The Pharisees sought to fill in such supposed gaps by means of their laws, definitions, and traditions. While Jesus ignored the arbitrary rules of the Pharisees, he did observe the Mosaic Law. (Matt. 5:17, 18; 23:23) He saw beyond the letter of the Law. Jesus discerned the spirit behind the Law and the need for mercy and compassion. He was reasonable, even when his followers failed him.

    What Eggnogg has done here is completely solidified my faith and belief that this is a most ompressive organisation. As we have seen, we cannot even have a difference in opinion without being told that we are wrong, or that we know nothing of the bible, and that he knows more than we do. The pharisees had a very similar attitude. Alarm bells???

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Billy...are you stumbling JWN members.....ROFL!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    sthinking:"Billy...are you stumbling JWN members"

    Evidently just djeggnog

  • shamus100


    Dear ****** lord, do you hear what you are typing? Cult speak!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I have no idea why you guys continue to give attention to the troll.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Okay, I stumbled djeggnog and shamus...

    "I have no idea why you guys continue to give attention to the troll."

    I guess because I like eggnog and it really angers me that djeggnog has defiled the true meaning of eggnog. Now I have to call it "holiday nog". It's just not the same.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    djeggnog: dont think that we all don't read through your posts, you use a lot of circular reasoning, as they say a man with a conviction is a hard man to change.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    This is certainly an example of how the GB " seek to lay down arbitrary, inflexible rules or to turn [their] personal opinions into law ".

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