NoRoomForGeorge must be drooling over this WT illustration. The (1950s) woman of his dreams...
That's right, beeotch! Pour my coffee and go own with your cult self...
by undercover 69 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
If it wasn't for the fact that she does not have a green bible, and the WT is in color, I would swear it's from the early 50's. This is an indication of the GB's mindset.
Now that is a keeper! Especially for all of the UBMs here.
I can see it now- "Honey, make sure you have the house clean, the laundry done, the kids off to school, the bills paid, my breakfast dishes cleaned and put away, oh, and pour me a cup of coffee before you go out telling people they are doomed to die"
Think About It
He's got that look like she just agreed to give him a BJ when she gets home from FS. Her little smirk gives it away.
Think About It
wha happened?
now now, that's one of the 7 ugly sexual acts that God hates
I laugh every time I look at this photo...
My wife...even back when I was active, would have said, "Get your own damn coffee, you lazy ass. I ain't your slave. And while you're up, take out the garbage."
Why isn't he in a suit and tie, getting ready to go to the meeting or out in service with her?
If the "unbelieving mate" in the photo were an apostate, would she be pouring the coffee in his lap?
This is hillarious!
Why isn't he in a suit and tie, getting ready to go to the meeting or out in service with her?
That's kind of the point of the article (and illustration). Even if your husband becomes inactive or disbelieving, you're still basically a slave to him. You must do your damndest to show that your love for him is undying and that one day, that servitude will impress upon him that he needs to return back to the KH and all its stifling rules and laws.