That's right, beeotch! Pour my coffee and go own with your cult self...

by undercover 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Yeah, Cedars...

    I think I need to go read that crazy-arse article...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Are these pics in the public edition or only the private one?

  • EmptyInside

    Maybe she is giving him his coffee and paper before the meeting,so he won't beat her when she gets home.

  • rebel8

    I hear ya about the outfit. Bookbag, pantyhose, A-line/below-the-knee skirt. But what about the HOT PINK ensemble on top? Sheesh. I once wore red and was told I looked like Jezebel and a prostitute. PASTELS ONLY.

    Is she trying to place those ragazines to that couple? Usually people don't hold them upside-down.

    Do khs have those church boards nowadays? Looks kinda Christendomy.

  • InterestedOne

    BP asked:

    Are these pics in the public edition or only the private one?

    Private. It's a study article about having a strained marriage. She pours the man coffee and then goes to the KH to complain about her marriage.

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    pict 1 If you are a good boy and take out the trash while I'm gone to meeting. I'll do that nasty thing that you like so much when I get home.

    pict 2 You wont belive the nasty thing he asked me to do to him when I get home will jehovah for give me if I do it.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Thanks InterestedOne.

    LOL @ just Ron!

  • sizemik

    just Ron . . . you've seen that smirk before too huh?

    It's that gentle pursing of the lips . . . I've only ever seen it when oral sex is being discussed or considered.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I love how much they are trying to convey in this one dumb arse picture?!?

  • jam

    Ok, so the guy is not A JW, why because he is reading A

    newspaper. Most JWs do not prescribe the local newspaper.

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