Give Some Logical Points To Prove That JWs Do Not Have The Truth

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Do anyone know the scripture that says that Jesus' sacrifice was a perfect, complete sacrifice to which nothing ever need be added? Show it to them right from their own Bible. Now, you ask about the sacrifices they have to continually make, and ask if it would be appropriate (or even respectful) to add to a sacrifice which was supposed to be so perfect, so complete, and nothing need ever be added to it.

    That ought to get them right at the core of their whole "Christian" religion.

  • 00DAD

    To add to my previous post, the NWT says “ faith is not a possession of all people.” (2 Thess. 3:2)

    The use of the word "possession" is interesting. Clearly not all people have faith. Not all people even want it. Nevertheless, it is curious that the WTBTS wants Christians to spread the "Good News" so any and all can have it, and yet assert that only JW's (and in fact the WTBTS) are the earthly source of Truth.

    It's like they are the "exclusive dealer" for Truth here on earth. Beware all other imitations and counterfeiters. The idea that they have a monopoly on Truth is absurd.

  • minimus


    Maksym, great research about Greber!

  • thetrueone

    The most pointedly obvious answer to this question can easily be answered in the fact that the WTS. is a corrupt misleading religious

    organization of charlatans, who created doctrines to attract attention of the public to its published literature and to coerce people to further carry on

    in its distribution. Within this organization manipulation, exploitation and coercion are clearly seen, as well as the corruption by men who

    were endeavored toward self empowerment.

  • irondork


  • iarts

    All the rules and regulations have more in common with the Pharisees than with Jesus. "The truth will set you free." ... JWs are anything but free.

    Personally after 40 years being taught JW teachings, I still had doubts whether it was the truth or not. If that's case, then how is someone who's just got out of bed and is still in their dressing gown supposed to be convinced when we stand on their doorstep offering lame magazines for 20 seconds?

    Subsequently, because the householders aren't convinced it's the truth, Jehovah decides they deserve everlasting destruction. That would be grossly unfair and is completely incompatible with the idea of a God whose dominant quality is love.

  • 00DAD

    On the other hand, the burden of proof is on the WTBTS, or any other group for that matter, to prove their own claims.

    What, in JDubland, passes for "logic" is mostly persuasive rhetoric masquerading as sound argumentation. It is now clear to me that WT publications rely heavily on manipulative language, loaded-jargon and fallacious arguments combined with the Power Twins of Fear and Hope to push their own brand of religious sophistry.

  • diamondiiz

    Hypocrisy, lies, deception, scandals, systematic misquoting of sources, numerous false dates including true history hidden from members and lets not forget the flip flops.

    Details are too great to go into detail here but it started with Russell and increased greatly with Rutherford and this habit just never left wts.

  • 00DAD

    The methodology that Don Cameron used in his book, "Captives of a Concept", neatly and easily disproves the WT's claims of "Truth" and does so in an extremely simple and effective way:

    • If what the WT taught in its publications in 1918/1919--when Christ supposedly "inspected" all religions and "chose" them as His earthly representatives to the exclusion of all others--was Truth, then why don't JWs teach and believe those same doctrines today?
    • On the other hand, if what JWs teach NOW are accurate, correct words of "Truth", then what Russell taught and the WT published in 1918/1919 was wrong and Christ would NOT have chosen them.

    Either way, they lose. It's not hard to understand: The WTBTS is NOT Jehovah's/Christ's chosen organization. They either did NOT teach the Truth in 1918/1919, or they do NOT teach the Truth now, or maybe even both. Again, either way they lose.

    This is clear, irrefutable logic: plain and simple. You don't even need to get caught up in the validity of any particular doctrinal point to understand the obvious inherent contradictions of the WTBTS's claim to be the "Faithful and Discreet Slave," which is not-coincidentally the very foundation for their assertion of authority.

  • minimus

    Yeah, chronology kills them and they were founded in chronology and prophecy and EVERYTHING they originally said in that area has been wrong.

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