Okay so there are Bible accounts that show God’s holy spirit operated upon Moses, Joshua, Jephthah , Bezalel, Gideon and Samson. Good for them that God was desirous of wanting to use them in advancing his purpose.
Where is the proof that God’s holy spirit is today operating upon the WTBTS as they claim?
I only need to look at the doctrine of no blood transfusions to see how confusing and complicated this teaching is to the average JW. Its’ obvious that God’ Holy spirit is not behind this WT manmade invention.
More evidence that God’s holy spirit is not with the WTBTS is the amount of family related problems there are in most JW congregations to the point where high percentages of families are breaking up and high percentages of JW youth are leaving the organization for greener pastures. The once often used expression “Spiritual Paradise” is close to being removed from JW lingo.
More evidence that God’s holy spirit is absent from the WT is the matter of the annointed remnant here on earth is on the increase (when it should be on the decline) leaving WT leadership dump founded. And then you have the new “over-lapping generation" invention that has become too embarrassing and asinine that most JWs would rather it just go away.
And thank you Blondie for your condolences, much appreciated. You are right, it is a bit agonizing having to sit through these studies of the WT at the KH. Unless something changes there is much more of these agonizing studies to come. I'm determined to develope thick skin in order to cope. I won't give up if you don't!