
by allyouneedislove 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 00DAD
    allyouneedislove: JWs are not " forced" to do anything concerning their faith.

    Oh give me a break! Yeah it's all voluntary, just like stopping at red lights is voluntary.

    Break the JW "laws" and you'll be disfellowshipped.

    Plus you're missing the obvious point that what was expected of JWs in one country was completely inconsistent with an accepted practice in another.

    All you need is a brain!!!


  • outsmartthesystem

    TECHNICALLY you may be right. Malawian witnesses were not FORCED to uphold a higher standard than was expected of those in Mexico. No more so than I am "forced" to pay my property taxes. Nob more so than I am "forced" to obey the law about not burning car tires in my front lawn. The point being...Yes....I have the "freedom" to decide not to pay my taxes (at the forced eviction of my home) or the choice not to abide by the law that says I cannot burn tires in my front lawn (at the risk of fine from the county, state, and EPA). But is that really "freedom"?

    Yes.....some "may" have been disfellowshipped for purchasing party card. And yes.....Paul's wording could have been better (JW's did not have Zero choice in the matter)...........but what matters is the outcome. Malawian Witnesses had as much choice in the matter as do American citizens when it comes to paying their property taxes. If you "want" to "maintain" a healthy family life (i.e. not be shunned) then as a Malawain.......you need to forsake your logical thinking and go ahead and refuse to purchase such a card

  • NewChapter

    I understand that some may have been in fear of being disfellowshipped. However, they could have bought a party card if they desired to do so.

    And yet they would have been penalized, while the Mexican brothers received the GB blessing to pay bribes, break the law, and carry documentation that falsely claimed they had served in the military. Why do you get all wrapped up in semantics? Red herring? Are you trying to deflate the seriousness of this horrendous behavior by getting into a word argument? FORCE does not have to be physical---it can be social and mental. Punishing an action by forcing everyone who you love to withdraw that love is indeed force. If it bothers you so much, choose the word PRESSURED. The outcome was the same, and you are worried about word choice.

    I think the rest of your objections fall under the above. You are getting yourself all confused over what force actually means, and the many ways it can be applied. Your analogy about 'provacative clothing' is especially weak. Perhaps it would be wrong to accuse a woman of her own rape because of provacative clothing---but how would we judge the man that dressed her that way and threw her to a lusty, violent crowd? THAT's the better analogy. Oh, wait----I guess there is precedence for this---Lot and his daughters. Perhaps that is why you fail to see the pathology in your false equvalency.


  • Phizzy

    It is more a matter of understanding how English is used. We who use the language, including our Australian cousins like Paul, unless we are Autistic, do not use English in a strict literal way.

    So Paul saying they were "forced" was another way of saying that the GB offered no alternative, but callously let the Malawian JW's suffer and die. In Mexico they gave an alternative, which they could have done for Malawi.

    Simple to understand if you are not overly pedantic.

    It would be the same if they allowed some to take all blood components in a tranfusion in one country and not another, I suppose you would say then that the GB do not "force" the ones who refuse a lifesaving transfusion in the country where it is forbidden to risk death, it is their choice.

    Yea, Sophies Choice.

  • 3dogs1husband
  • glenster

    JWs are required to follow the JWs leaders' distinctive rules for membership.
    If they persist in rejecting them, they're out of the JWs, who are the shun them.

    Family members can maintain relationships as they need to in living to-
    gether, but aren't to talk about religious matters. The family member who is
    disfellowshipped and doesn't live with their JWs family members is to be disfel-
    lowshipped in the more general way. Possible exceptions include a disfellow-
    shipped minor getting spiritual instruction from their parents, that an older
    disfellowshipped relative can be present when JWs family members living in their
    home go over spiritual material, and visits--no more than two a year--from JWs
    elders to see if they're repentant.


  • cantleave

    Do I smell ignorance, or is it just pure bullshit?

  • watson

    "Troll"...I disagree.

    I think I see the point being made by the OP. He/She may be looking at the jwfacts site as a reference site, without opinion.

    I have been reading allyouneedislove's other Posts, and don't see a "troll".

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    There is a big growth in the society these days as to people claiming to be "annointed" . Mostly because many just can NOT give up their former belief in a heavenly hope. I remember for years watching the number of "partakers" decline. It was exciting as it ment that "that" generation was disappearing which ment "the end was really, really, really near". There was a sister in my cong that suddenly felt she was of the annointed. She partook for a couple of decades. then she felt un-called. She still goes. I was taught that if you weren't really "called" that if you partook, you were drinking to your eturnal death. I do not think anyone is annointed. People can believe what ever they want...doesn't make it true. What is the point? If the borg teaches that people are put in class distinction....which it does....the greatest support group "The Great Crowd" is doing ALL the work and getting the least reward. Who wants to be part of "the great crowd" whom the Bible was NOT written for and can only observe someone else partaking (maybe NEVER even seeing someone else "drink the wine and chew the wafer"). Jeez, talk about being "in but separate". You might as well be part of the World because it's a bigger and more important part you will ever have in to borg, unless you get to hold the microphone, give a talk (only if you have a penis), or get to be part of a committee of fellow losers to judge another loser. Kind of clever really to make the people who have no real value in the imagined scheme of thingsto feel they have a say. Like the Mormons bestowing guys with titles (Elder, High Priest etc) all for the sake of male ego. If you think you are "annointed" you need therapy.

  • 00DAD

    dog is god: If you think you are "annointed" you need therapy.

    True, but if you think the JWs are the only true religion on earth then you also need therapy!

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