by Phizzy 73 Replies latest watchtower scandals

    Well, first of all - I didn't know that the case was being dropped.....JW

    Well it is..We have nothing to lose by Emailing complaints..

    And, to coninue my point: I don't know if Unthank really wrote this to the prosecutor:

    On the other hand, you have failed to protect these children, you have failed to serve justice, and you have failed to serve the community. The parents of these children have asked me to convey to you their abhorrence and outright disgust in you as a human being and as a public official because you never lifted your finger to help these children nor to serve the community. They have also asked me to inform you that they demand you immediate resignation as a violator of the human rights of these children.

    Thats an odd thing to say..Who do you think wrote that?

    Should we not believe Unthank?..

    Just walk away,let the WBT$ win without doing anything?..


  • james_woods

    Soft & Gentle put it up here, OUTLAW - so I wasn't sure it came directly from Unthank.

    I believe what Unthank says himself.

    Who knows - if this is the last ditch stand, maybe writing a bunch of emails could help - I just don't know.

  • cedars
    if this is the last ditch stand, maybe writing a bunch of emails could help

    Make no bones about it, this is indeed the final stand...



    Soft & Gentle put it up here, OUTLAW - so I wasn't sure it came directly from Unthank.
    I believe what Unthank says himself.
    Who knows - if this is the last ditch stand, maybe writing a bunch of emails could help - I just don't know......JW

    I don`t blame you..

    I don`t believe a word S&G says either..

    We either pull this out of the Fire,or it`s Over for Unthank..

    We have nothing to lose at this point..

    Heres a link to what happening:

    Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses to Escape Judgment for Crimes Against the Children? 2


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I sent an e-mail at 11am this morning.

    Although it is now nearly 5.30pm here in UK I think it is still small hours of the morning over there so I don't think we can expect to hear anything before 10pm.

    Just an acknowledgment of receipt would be something.

  • ohiocowboy

    Thank you Phizzy for bringing this to our attention!!!

    Here's mine. I tried to keep it short, sweet, and to the point.

    Dear Mr. Chapman,

    I am writing you in reference to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's violations in not following through with the Working with Children Act, as well as your suggestion that it is not in the public interest to pursue the matter.

    Mr. Chapman, there are many children who have suffered, and are continuing to suffer at the hands of a deceitful Organization who has for many years swept allegations of Child Abuse under the rug. The children who have been hurt need to have their voices heard, and the Watchtower itself must be held accountable for not protecting these children.

    This is not a local problem, it is a worldwide problem that has affected, and has destroyed many lives. Unfortunately, the problem is only getting worse. As I am sure you know, the Watchtower has been aware that there has been a problem for many years, yet their only interest has been to avoid the situation as not to tarnish their own reputation.

    Mr. Chapman, I have personally seen the tears and heartache that the Watchtower Organization has caused children. I hope that you yourself never have to look at one of these children in the eyes and tell them that you had the power to change things, but that you instead chose to do nothing.

    Thank you for your time in this extremely important matter.


  • Londo111

    Here was my email:

    Mr. Chapman and to who it may concern, Forgive me, but I must email you without disclosing my identity. Because of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society's shunning policy, if my identity became known to them, it would have serious repercussions in my life. I beg you to reconsider dismissing this case. I cannot help think that it is much definitely within the public interest, especially in regard to the children in the Traralgon Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, who are the real victims here. Surely, you became a prosecutor to see that justice is done. Will you not see it done? I realize that Steven Unthank might not have known how to prosecute matters in the best manner, but he did the best he could, hoping that the State would continue the case. Surely in your expert hands, you could see this case through. Please put yourself in parent's place--what if these were your children? I know the Society has a very indomitable defense team. They have their "Theocratic Warfare" strategy and thus they will be deceitful when it suits them. There have been reports of an informer system. That is, individual Witnesses working in various capacities have assisted the Society when it was asked of them…they might be in banks, in doctor's offices, in governmental offices, and they can and will do the Society's bidding because they believe they are working for a Higher Cause. In some cases, like the Menlo case in California , there have been suspicions of court clerks being paid off. Even bribery is not above them. They resort to slick doublespeak quite often. For instance, in order to gain recognition in one country, they said, "Taking blood is no longer a disfellowshipping offense. It is up to person's conscience." However, they made it so that if one takes blood, the action automatically disassociates them as a Witness, and is shunned by family and friends just the same. Any who do not shun their relatives not living within their home can also be subject to disfellowshipping. The Watchtower Society is a cult that has enslaved millions, and its blood policy has killed thousands over the years, more than Jonestown or Waco or Heaven's Gate combined, maybe times over. The harsh shunning policy causes "social death", has harmed many families, and keeps many thousands trapped within. As a cult, they employ mind control. I urge you to research the works of Steven Hassan and the BITE mind control system. The Governing Body and other representatives of the Society must be held to account. Here you have an opportunity to do your part for the public good. The question is: will you do it? Sincerely, A concerned observer trapped within the Watchtower system.

  • cedars

    ohiocowboy - now THAT was an awesome email.


  • Londo111

    Now I realize I should have done much more proofreading before hitting send...

  • cedars

    Don't worry Londo111, yours delivers the message forcefully too. Well done!!


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