The Watchtower is really thrashing this one to death. Pay attention kiddies; a quiz will follow.
A "Prophecy" according to "Reasoning From the Scriptures" (Watchtower 1985; 1989)
an inspired message; a revelation of the divine will or purpose.
1) a prediction of something to come
2) inspired moral teaching
3) an expression of a divine command or judgement.
What Nathan said does not fit any of the above statments. He was giving a personal opinion or belief, based on his own personal observations. And David did actually contribute to the building of the temple. He laid up the money, obtained much of the building materials, and made personal contacts necessary for obtaining whatever else was needed; he raised and trained Solomon for the task and I believe (without looking it up this minute)he had something to do with the architectural plans.
How many of the stones for the temple do you think Solomon actually set in place with his own hands anyway? If you read the account carefully and with an open mind, David had at least as much to do with the building of the temple than Solomon did. Solomon just got the credit.
So what Nathan said did come true anyway.
hope that helps Jerome.
incidently, this definition of 'prophecy is a convenient change from earlier times. In the book "Harp of God", 1921, Rutherford states:
16 Prophecy, which is true, is a statement of facts and events foretold to take place at some future time. Otherwise stated, prophecy is history written before it transpires.
most dictionaries agree with Rutherford's definition much more so than the Watchtower's.
You can ask why this 'change in definition' hasn't occurred untill AFTER many failed prophecies, and many lies about prophecies. (For example, Jesus' invisible presence was in 1874 in this book;). It was all well and good to say "Oh we made mistakes and had wrong expectations; but then ask why they LIED in their literature about it and do notas of this day admit it.
Did Nathan LIE about his 'mistake'?
1)What is the secularly accepted definition of "prophecy"?
2)What is the Society's definition of "prophecy"?
3)Who was Nathan? what does the Watchower say is Nathan's most notable claim to fame today?
4)What did you have for dinner last night?
5)Is this essay inspired of God? And if so, give the Scriptural proof. And if not, give Scriptural proof. If undecided, give Scriptural proof. If you change your mind, get 80 proof.
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"