What have i done?

by jerome 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jerome

    Oh.... My.... God.... !

    I read something recently that my gf wrote to me?

    Well there is one main part that i want to share with you.
    Its very disturbing. At least to me it is.


    I am forever gratefull for meeting you.
    You taught me many things.
    But most importantly you taught me that i have to search the scriputres regularly and deeply examination Gods word for myself.

    Thank you for showing me that I AM IN THE TRUTH...


    Oh My God what have idone.

    When i read that i started to panic.

    You mean after all that i have showed her about the error of her organisation that it some how proves to her more that she is in the 'truth'?


    I have to do some major damage controll and fast.


    How the hell did this happen?
    How do you tell someone that they base their belief on a lie and that you have the proof to verify it and that somehow makes it more true?

    How the hell could she acreidt me to such disgusting a thing?

    I have an idea of what to do but what the hell am i going to do in the mean time?

    Oh My God.... What have i done?

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • larc


    I told you several times and several others did as well, that it is a very bad idea to hit her with a bunch of facts all at once. JWs can only handle very small doses of information at time. Of course you wouldn't listen.

    It is too late now. It is all over for you.

  • Naeblis

    Take a look at your sig. It applies to more things than just the bible. You ham fisted monkey face.


    Hey jerome,what a crock.Have you ever seen a woman?Do you want to do some "damage control fast"?Quit trying to play us.You got "no game"...OUTLAW

  • jerome
    It is too late now. It is all over for you.

    If anything it was over before it even started.

    I am very up front about everything and i dont like to keep secrets.

    This has always worked for me in the past and it is who i am.

    I cant change who i am.

    I cant be with someone and they dont know what i actually think about something as important as this. I cant lie or pretend that i am for the watchtower.

    And she dident get all these things at once ...

    She got them as i learned them.

    Thats why i still think taht i can do damage controll.


    BTW i got enough game to land me this one.

    And if honesty isnt the best policy i'm in deep $h1t.

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • dungbeetle

    Jerome, darling; they have to WANT to be saved !!!!!!

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • jerome
    They have to WANT to be saved

    I am painfully aware of that.

    She has alot to loose if it isnt the truth - her brother, her sister, her mother...

    What i am trying to do is to find a way to induce her to want to be saved.

    That sounds really silly yeah i know, but what other way is there?

    No matter what i tell her she wont come to a conclusion which reflects negatively on the WTBS.

    One thing that i have to my favour now is that she dosent believe the UN thing. She actually called me a liar.

    Well i told her to ask one of her kind loving holy spirit appointed brothers if it was true.

    I really want to hear what excuse she gets.

    1) Will they deny it?

    2) Will they say that to dont worry Jehovah will take care of it and ask where she heard it from and focus on the latter rather than the real issue at hand?

    3) Will they give the libary card excuse?

    4) Will they give the not knowing the criteria excuse?

    It wont really matter she will probally be too scared of them to ask anymore questions about it.

    The sad thing about this is that i wont even get an appology

    "Sorry for calling you a liar... I was wrong to do so"

    She will probally follow the same pattern.

    She would probally say that:

    " You were right but, not for the reasons that you said you were"

    Oh when will i ever win.

    If i'm right i was correct but for the wrong reasons and not entirely accurate and still lying somewhat.

    If i'm wrong i'm a liar and it proves how decietfull those nasty apostates you associate with are...

    Oh the fustration...

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • JT

    you are over playing your hand

    email some of us here and get some advice off line perhaps even a phone call most of us esp if you are in the USA will call you

    i will call you if you like

    but you have the tools and folks here to help you , NOW your lady friend well that is a different horse

    so shoot me an email if you are serious

    if not then hae a nice day life is still good


    [email protected]

  • butalbee

    Okay, I'll bite...........

    By trying to turn her away from the precious org, you just overpowered her emotional attachment to it. All I can say is; life sucks, love is an illusion, and that's about it;;;Move on, forget her, forget dubs...

  • Satanus


    What i am trying to do is to find a way to induce her to want to be saved.

    That sounds really silly yeah i know, but what other way is there?

    Because you are just being silly, continuing with this charade. Xjw's can spot your theocratic lingo in a second, mr jw.


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