What have i done?

by jerome 25 Replies latest jw experiences


    Hey larc,Mr.Smart Ass,Bud.(LOL)Talk to you tommorrow man,good night,from The Great White North...OUTLAW

  • jerome

    I hope to be out of your hair pretty soon.

    Something happened recently that really got me thinking.

    After all the effort that i have put into this i asked her what would happen if we couldent resolve our differences and i felt obligated to inform other witness about what i know or just about anybody i saw getting involved with the watchtower and....

    Can you believe she actually said this:


    The girl actually told me that she would shun me.

    The girl actually told me that she would shun me.


    My God if you only knew the things that this girl put me through only to say something like that.

    Not to make this sound like any grate romance or anything but look at me where am i now? On the internet looking for information to help her and now just because i dident come to the same misinformed conclusion as she did she does something like this.

    She said if i keep up my apostate reasoning and became more vocal that she would have to shun me.

    I wish i could tell you of how happy i was untill this thing came into my life. right now being single beats having a girl that is brainwashed and expecting the end of the world any time soon.

    Not that things are that bad but she wont budge at all.

    Why wont this religion just die...

    She wont give me any leedway at all. My words have little authority.
    When it comes to her religion.

    When i heard those words my mouth actually dropped to the floor.

    I stared at her in disbelief hoping that somehow she was making some kind of sarcastic remark.

    And all she could do was keep a nice little smirk on her face.

    Is this fricken girl human?

    It as if she takes pleasure of watching me hurt.

    Seriously it really seems so.

    What is even worse SHE STARTED TO LAUGH.

    My God ! What the hell was that?

    Yes she actually did it.

    You threaten someone you claim to love with, denying their total existence and all just a few months after they helped you through the most distrubing chapter in your life.

    And when they seem shocked and in disbelief you laugh.

    I am dumb as hell.

    <---------- Stupid MF


    I am here wasting my precious time trying to get enough info to help reslize that she could be making the biggest mistake of her life by getting baptized and she could say something like that.

    This thing is begining to take over my life. All i do is worry about how this could effect the rest of her life and i spend countless hours on the net.

    And here on this message board taking all kinda crap from just about everyone and all so that mabe just mabe she would realize what a mistake she is making.

    And in return i am faced to come to terms with her possibly shunning me for speaking the Truth.

    And also the constant threat that this could sham of a false religion end our relationship at anymoment now.


    To anwser your questions.

    I may tell you where i live in a private e-mail when i contact JT.

    I am not using a personal computerc.
    Thus no spell check. WOW! [Dont bother to ask]

    I do go out on dates but - come on, shes a witness how late do you think that i could stay out with her. Remember her mother hates me.
    Even though she is friendly to my face.

    I have been searching on the internet for many months after i first had a feeling that WTBS was a cult. I am now pretty certain that it is.
    Since i have alot of questions for her and she wants to convert me [phat chance when she dosent even know what the hell is going on in her religion] she gives me anwsers.

    She knows about 1975 false prediction and has used Nathan and the deciples to excuse prophet erring bibically.

    So the nathan thing and the deciples thing are the excuses they gave me for the false prophecies.


    I am still getting the third degree from you all.

    In fact i sense scarcasim in your tone.

    These quesions you are asking me will probally lead to more questions as usual because you never seem to believe me.

    Ok i have to admitt my story does seem hard to buy.

    An 18 year old [19 now] non jw who is in love with an active girl and is going to extrodinary lengths to acquire enough knowledge to save her form the clutches of this mind controll cult.


    Someone said that this was turning into a sob relationship well i think so too.

    <---------- sob

    When will come to my senses and realize that this will never work...

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • LaraCraft

    You can not save anyone, she must be the one to save herself. If you bombard her w/ anti-dubbish, you will loose her, haven't I said that before??????

    Let her go, forget the bitch, if it's meant to be, it will be, for F-sakes.


  • jerome

    Why do i keep trying.

    Well from the very beginning i had this feeling that i was

    this ...

    close to getting her to see the light.

    I think i have to hang in there because she claims that she dosent want any other serious relationships after me. [JW reasoning i suppose, mabe she wont have time for anyother serious relationships with the world ending and all]

    So in a way i think that i amy be her last hope.

    Even though she may not realize it...

    If tomorrow she tells me something that is in the line of a doubt this would have all been worth it.

    If it ends it ends.

    Yes it will hurt the both of us but that may be all worth it if she just gets one seed of doubt.

    Wouldent you have liked someone to try this hard for you?

    But something more important than myself and my energy are at risk....

    A human beings life is at stake and i seem to be in the only one in position to save it.

    I cant give up this oppertunity so easily one may never come again...


    She may be stupid because of the religion but only i get to call her a bitch.

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • Solace

    Lark: Free therapy? Im there!
    I do however think its petty to pick on someones spelling. By the way, what is (coupla)? I dont remember seeing that in the dictionary.

    Jerome: If you think your girlfriend shunning you would hurt, imagine how you would feel if she let your child die, by refusing nesessary medical treament and felt pleasure in doing so.
    Most of us are in the same boat. I would love for my family to see the truth about the org. I think they are so dependant on it, that they cant face the truth. They dont want to see it, the W.T.S is all they have ever known. You have to think for yourself. Unless you love her enough to follow her, regardless of her false beliefs. I couldnt be involved in a religion that I didnt feel was the truth. Some people could care less though, I know people who became catholic even though they didnt believe in it, just because the men they married were. I believe my grandfather became a J.W. because of my grandmother. We could talk for days on this subject. If anyone has a magic "make someone realize the truth about the org. pill"
    Let me know.


    I guess the lurc thing isn`t working out too well,good thing you switched back to jerome.Don`t forget your thread as HenryP..LOL...OUTLAW

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