What could trigger a large proportion of JWs at once that this religion is a scam

by Mr Facts 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • justmom

    Mr facts...

    Im really sorry to say that there is nothing that will trigger as a whole, only a few will WANT to see it! Isn't that what our Lord actually said. Nothin new!

    Actually it is the SAME reason that ALL organized religion exists. Folks NEED a leader they can see. They do not choose otherwise. Its much easier (they think) this way.



  • Twitch

    what mom said

  • talesin

    Maybe that they all know someone who suicided because of it? I think we all do,,, maybe that could be the trigger?


  • EmptyInside

    A Witness has to be ready to accept the facts about the "religion." I lurked on apostate sites,I remember reading experiences of former Witnesses at Bethel. And I thought to myself ,they are just twisting things or exaggerating,or that is an isolated incident,etc. I tried to explain everything away.

    I even read about Russell and the pyramids,but didn't believe it,until a pioneer elder who had served at Bethel,made a joke in passing about it. It was that innocent remark that got me wondering,what else don't I know about my own religion.

    So,in my experience a person has to be ready to question their belief system in order to leave.

  • EmptyInside

    Well,on second thought,one thing might do it. If they say no paradise in the end,we were wrong,sorry,no hope.

    My mother told me she would leave on that note. Isn't that what they all are striving for ,to be in paradise,all problems gone,being beautiful and happy and peace with the animals? And they get to see all their deceased relatives again. If they say no paradise,it turns out to be only spiritual,I see a mass exodus,but only then. And a few will still stay if they feel it's their only way to serve God. But,I don't see that happening.

  • moshe

    JWs are JWs, because they want to cheat death by being the special 1/10% of all humans who follow the WT Corporation religious dogma that promises they will survive Armamgeddon and live forever on a paradise Earth .

    They just know that to get this blessing they have to keep following the WT leaders, aka, the nameless F&DS. As long as JWs hold onto this dream they will ignore anything goes against the KH.

  • steve2

    People not only believe total crap, they want to believe it. As the old saying goes, "The world wants to be deceived". The all-powerful impulse among semingly intelligent but incredibly stupid humans is to value consolation over commonsense.

    No matter what happens at Headquarters, there will always be a core of "true"believers who will carry on the "work" in one form or another.

    Hell, Christ supposedly died over 2,000 years ago and has still not returned despite saying it would be "soon". Yet there remain holier-than-thou suckers around every single imaginable corner in the west who still believe in this long dead narcissist whose bothersome existence continues to occasion untold death and misery on planet earth.

  • fedup

    Remember the movie Shawshank Redemption, it showed that when you've been sentenced in prison for a long time and years have passed, you become institutionalized and a prisoner would rather commit suicide then receive freedom. Prisoners simply cannot live in the free real world, if they do and try, they undergo incredible withdrawal pains.

    Unfortunetely, most witnesses are institutionalized and simply cannot bear the thought of leaving. They have put way too many years and effort into the WT way of life and cannot fathom the thought that the WT and themselves just may be wrong.

    Realizing that they've been supporting a false concept and that the WT is simply a successful billion $$$ business with millions of volunteers distributing literature is OUT OF THE QUESTION. They'd rather commit suicide then realize WT is not backed by God.

    Serving God in Spirit and Truth means to witnesses: OBEY whatever WT Corp says, even if it's exactly the opposite of what Jesus really taught.

    Better to Love, Live Laugh amigos, because in 50 years most of us won't be here, it'll go by in a blink.

  • designs

    There are over 2.1 Billion people following Christianity. Take the rest of the population who are Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and the other smaller cults and you see the problem of human belief in the supernatural.

    JWs are now trained to laugh off 1975 as a Coupon that expired.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Mind control isn't reversed overnight so nothing could accomplish such a feat

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