I don't know if abortion is necessarily "wrong" but I do believe it's taking a "life". - minimus
How about the IUD or "coil" contraceptive device, is that also "taking a life"?
by minimus 140 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know if abortion is necessarily "wrong" but I do believe it's taking a "life". - minimus
How about the IUD or "coil" contraceptive device, is that also "taking a life"?
You fellas are presenting some outdated information on IUD's.
Ok - what about the mini-pill that prevents implantation? Or the "morning after" pill?
ETA - Just checked 6 websites on IUD they all agree that it usually prevents fertilisation but also as as secondary line of defense it prevents the implantation of a fertilised egg.
I'm pro-choice, but I believe that there can be exceptions where adoption could be a better alternative - especially in cases where it's later in pregnancy, and there is no good reason to terminate it. But that's just a personal opinion. Really the womans life is of greater importance, so I believe her position should be upheld, especially if her life is at risk. She is the one caring for the unborn, so it's her decision whether she wants to keep it or not. In cases of rape, or for severly disabled children, I'd say it is the more moral choice to terminate the pregnancy.
Either way I do not consider it murder. An unborn foetus is a cluster of cells that could one day be a human being. A foetus has no thoughts, feelings, relationships, and at least until 8 weeks, it has no central nervous system so it can't feel pain - not that you could even conceptualize pain or remember any pain you had in the womb.
Flat, feeling pain is feeling pain. It's painful. Nothing to conceptualize about it. It's the suffering anytime it happens, not the future memory of it, that matters. If our charming serial killer is going to torture, then kill, is the torture part not important in exacting a sentence because the guys and girls are no longer with us and cannot remember?
Do you belive abortion is wrong? YES
Should it be against the law? NO
Not for a long time, minimus. A very long time.
I think you know what I'm saying Flying. Do we remember what life was like as a foetus? No, because a foetus has no awareness at all. Ergo, there is no suffering. The enormous difference between mr foetus and whoever the dies by the hand of the serial killer should be obvious. That murder victim ticks all those boxes.
Thoughts? Yep
Feelings? Yep
Awareness? Yep
Relationships? Yep
Those are four key factors that make humans... well, human. You cannot label an embryo a human being in that sense because it has none of those features.
And actually in the case of your serial killer, the charge would be for First Degree Murder, not torture, right? If the victim was tortured and kept alive, the charge would be for something like Aggravated Assault or Attempted Homicide.
Your argument doesn't wash. If you cause pain to a fetus, then kill it, it can't remember the pain. Does that mean it didn't suffer? Memory has nothing to do with this.
It's not my serial killer. Check back over the comments. It is Sulla's serial killer. Please read mine. You may save yourself from trying to convince me of something I already espouse or believe.