First, let me say unbiased education is the key to reducing the number of abortions. Not making them illegal, or making laws that intimidate women into not having them.
Secondly, and this is off-topic, but I want to point out, there is a price on every human life, regardless of the moral belief that every life is priceless.
The city/county installs a stop light at a busy intersection once so many are killed there every year (because they can't afford to put them everywhere). They just put a price on human life.
The military provides standard protective gear that is nowhere near the best available to avoid serious injury and death (because it would be prohibitavely expensive). They just put a price on human life.
The auto industry could produce vehicles virtually guaranteeing you would never die in a vehicle crash (but they'd be so expensive few could afford them). They just put a price on human life.
The insurance industry puts a price on human life everyday and will provide you a quote. There are a million examples of how a price is given for the value of a human life every day.
My point is, beyond morals, every life has value. But it's not priceless, and that value is defined in monetary terms. You can argue that yeah, we have free will, where the unborn don't, but it doesn't matter. Statistics don't lie, and for every dollar spent on safety and education, a certain percentage of human lives are saved. So whether you feel life begins before, or after conception, in the third trimester, or at birth, it's still not priceless. Even if you feel it should be against the law except when the mother's life is in danger or in cases of rape or incest, you still just put a price on it.
Should we really be suprised that prenatal life carries the least value of all? Not really. This isn't a perfect world, and holding to utopian beliefs only makes matters worse. There aren't stoplights (or better yet cops directing traffic) at every intersection because we can't afford it. Our soldiers don't have the latest and greatest because we can't afford it. We don't drive crash-proof cars because we can't afford it. And some people terminate their pregnancy because they can't afford or otherwise provide a good life to the child. I wish adoption was considered more often than it is, but conservatives have historically stigmatized and given the scarlet letter to women giving up their child for adoption almost as badly as abortion.
At least we don't eat our young like some animals do.