How quick we are to turn and eat our own

by Aussie Oz 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Well i am as shocked/disapointed as many here about the unthank cases out come. He always said that the OPP had the right to do exactly what it did.

    The cases are/were real. Check the magistrates court records. (edit: i see another thread claiming the links are false?)

    Steven Unthank may or may not have some unfortunate ways of putting things, so what. Are we all somehow the masters of linguistics and logic ourselves? I think not. Some of us can't string two sentances together coherantly.

    How quick we are to turn on him after months of rooting for him. Sure there have been some bullshit callers along the way, but i am frankly amazed and dismayed that cynicism is running so high and so early a day after. How Vin Toole must be laughing AT US right now!


    and if this was a scam, then many of us got suckered... I guess i am a little shocked at the speed of recriminations...

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Looking at the thread on the court records (the thread seems to have problem and there is no comment box at the bottom)

    there are links to a real site and a ' fake one'...

    the 'real' one does not contain any record of the WT cases. In fact it lists no cases in any name beyond todays date, I would surmize thats because it is a list of hearing to happen, not have happened?


  • ohiocowboy

    Well said, Aussie!

    I hope that the Armchair Warriors have not influenced Mr. Unthank to leave. Unfortunately, history has once again repeated itself, and what is even worse is the fact that it will continue to happen until enough people take a stand against those who seek to pick others apart instead of looking at the overall picture and focusing on the positive things a person has done.

    What a way to treat someone who has done as much as Mr. Unthank has!

  • ScenicViewer

    Aussie Oz said,

    "[the real site] lists no cases in any name beyond todays date, I would surmize thats because it is a list of hearing to happen, not have happened?

    I believe you have it right...upcoming cases are listed, but past ones, even if just one day past, are not. This is the same result as on the 'fake site' which appears to be real after all.

  • NomadSoul

    It's a violin. Me thinks.

  • elderelite

    Aussie, with respect, we didnt "eat our own". Mr Unthank does not belong to me, nor i to him, and we did not spawn from the same place. I also feel compelled fo point out that he was not eaten, devoured, consumed or in anyway harmed. This is not a mob or a gang. We dont protect "our own" right or wrong. Mr Unthank was questioned because he blantantly lied as to the origin and representantion of a picture. Thats real world. We do the same to the WT society all the time. In a court of law such a grevious error would taint the case beyond repair. Things like this may be why the government decided to forgo prosecution at this time.

    I called foul yesterday, today and tommarow for lying about these children even if in a semingly small thing. Kids should be protected. Period. I want the wt cult shut down forever too. But when you LIE about one thing, one thing so obvious and easy to find, it calls into the question the truth of everything you have said that is to be taken on faith, like the horrific details he has shared about the rape.

    Shame on anyone who lies or misrepresents these children, even if he or she feels the ends justifies the means.

  • yourmomma

    He was caught in a lie about the picture. it is amazing that we are insulted, told we are "eating our own", called "negitive", told we are part of the problem of covering up child rape, and that we share in the same in as pedofiles, all becaus we would not accept what is a complete 100% bullshit excuse for the picture. it totally reminds me of rick fearon and the insults he hurled upon people once they discovered that Johnny the bethelite was fake.

    were the cases real? yes. did uthank do a good thing in trying to bring watchtower to justice? yes. did uthank lie about the picture he posted? yes.did he then attack those who pointed it out? yes.

    just becaue you did some good doesnt give you licence to lie, and to attack people like us who called him on it.

    i dont know whats more insulting, being told i have community guilt for the pedofile problem or to be told "since he didnt say it was a picture, but merely an "image". i mean, where did that get ripped out of, watchtower debate tactics 101 right next to "the governing body is not spirit inspired, they are spirit directed".

    give me a break.

  • undercover

    "since he didnt say it was a picture, but merely an "image". i mean, where did that get ripped out of, watchtower debate tactics 101 right next to "the governing body is not spirit inspired, they are spirit directed".

    Depends on what the definition of "is" is...

  • james_woods

    You know - all of this leaves me to wonder if the whole thing would have been given this much attention had Barbara Anderson not stubbornly insisted on steering Unthank onto the Six Screens venue.

    What have we learned from this? When you put yourself in the public eye - you had better be completely immaculate with your presentation. It may seem like sensationalism would help your case - but in reality there is always a blowback from sensationalizing your presentation.

    I do not question that Mr. Unthank is sincere in his effort, and his effort has worth. But he has hurt himself with the sensationalism. (the sex club claim, the weird paypal conspiracy thing, the crazy picture and unbelievable lego blocks statement, and then the incomprehensible explanation of why the picture was published, etc.)

    I do not question that Ms. Anderson is sincere in her efforts, and that this also has worth. But she has hurt herself, again, by sensationalism. It has not been the first time. She has also hurt her reputation by personalizing the situation with Unthank's picture and attacking the people on JWN who questioned it. She likewise has hurt her reputation by repeatedly associating herself with Rick Fearon - this has been repeatedly pointed out in the past, and she refuses to do anything about it.

    It is sad to see a worthwhile effort (combatting the WTBTS coverup of child abuse) be harmed by sensationalistic actions that eventually come into question. It is sad to see anything like this case deliberately associate itself with the likes of Rick Fearon.

    I call on both Unthank and Anderson - again - to rethink their association with Fearon, and publicly remove themselves from this black mark on their public image.

  • Iamallcool

    James Woods, I was thinking the same thing recently. You just never know that the Chief Prosecutor might have known about Steven Unthank's interview on the Six Screens Venue. It might have influenced him somewhat to take over the case for the purpose of dropping the case.

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