How quick we are to turn and eat our own

by Aussie Oz 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

    You know - all of this leaves me to wonder if the whole thing would have been given this much attention had
    Barbara Anderson not stubbornly insisted on steering Unthank onto the Six Screens venue......JW

    Nonsense..I have already explained..

    Steven Unthank gave his word to Rick Rawe that he would do his show..

    Steven likes and repects Richard..

    Richard had already spent money on advertising and it was much too late to change servers..

    It was considered but couldn't be done..

    Steven Unthank,Richard Rawe and Barbara Anderson were working with what they had..


    This was an extremely hard promotion to keep on track..

    Considering Rick Fearon was involved and..

    All the effort that some went to ,to De-rail the Interview..


  • james_woods

    Well, OUTLAW, we disagree.

    Like I said when this was first advertised to be on a Six Screens call - it is like wrestling with a pig in a pigpen: The pig will like it, and you will just get dirty.

    Well, OUTLAW, we disagree......JW

    Disagreeing with me doesn't change the facts..

    Hating Rick Fearon and dumping on Barbara Anderson won`t change a thing..


  • james_woods

    Well, OUTLAW - this one looks like it is over, anyway.

    The court case has been ended and the interview is over - so this can just burn itself out now.

    I just hope it will not be repeated.

  • Iamallcool

    JW, I agree.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Not trying to resurrect a thread, just have not been on the PC for 3 days (It was taken over by a teenager)

    Perhaps some took my thread title to literaly i think, Of course Unthank was not' eaten', and he certainaly was not 'our own' as in a board member. I meant 'own' as in one like us who dislikes the WT/one who has attempted to make them do the right thing.

    I was trying to display my personal dismay of the very sudden turn things took after the OPP dumped his cases. It was almost as if seeing that the desired outcome did not happen, a good many sought, within a matter of hours to find things to discredit the man and more importantly, the case.

    I dont care to get into debate over 'the picture' either.

    I still believe however, had the OPP took the cases with a view to actual prosecution, NOBODY would have done or said what they did. Unthank had long told us via his blog, emails and others that the result was always on the cards as a high possibility.

    and thats all i have to say about that...


  • JRK

    When blood is in the water, it is amazing how quick the sharks come.

    And when we eat our own, it usually tastes like chicken.


  • rebel8

    It's healthy to question our reactions to things.

  • elderelite

    Aussie, i understood what you meant by " devour our own"..... My post was intended to challenge your perception of the concepts of "devour" and "our own"

    I will respect your wishes not to rehash the situation specifics, but in a broad sense , what is "our own"? Am i or anyone else automatically to claim a kinship with someone who has left the wt societies membership? If someone stopped going to meeting because they were disfellowshipped as a rapiest, are they "my own"? Or if they decided to become a devil worshipper.... Are they "my own"? I dont claim kinship with people simply because they dont agree with wt doctrine. There are around 7 billion people on this planet who dont agree with the dubbies and i dont claim a special connection with all them.

    And as for devouring, again i understood that did not litterally mean eating or consuming, but rather was challanging your perception. SoMe seem to feel that anythig said in question of or against the WT society HAS to be embrassed without question or hesitation. I personally do not agree with that premise. I do not accept every word a persons says as truth simply because its of who it is said about, simply because i wish it to be true. No one has a devine right to be believed without question. No one should expect unamious support simply because they are "the enemy of my enemy". Trust is earned though actions and deeds. The person in question was not ill treated or consumed. He was questioned. As all men should be.

    So please understand Aussie, i understood your orginal post very well. I hope you understand mine.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    There was no posting box because th ethread was locked.

    and thats all i have to say about that...

    Now that you have had your say this too will be locked.

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