They Just Never Get Anything Right!

by Englishman 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Why has the WTBTS downgraded us inhabitants of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to living simply in “Britain”?

    Apart from being geographically incorrect, it’s also quite insulting too. Take a look at Nicolaou’s post on the “Our Kingdom Ministry” thread. On the OKM heading it clearly says “For Britain”. The magazines state on the inside page that they are printed in England by the WT Society of Britain. This is startlingly bad form.

    Great Britain comprises England, Scotland and Wales and all the hundreds of islands that are around our shores. The word “Great” here refers to the country in a geographical sense, it means the largest area just as we say that we can see the “greater picture”, or that persons who live on the fringe of London live in “Greater” London.

    My guess is that the WTBTS has unilaterally decided that the word “Great” can only be applied to those whom they deem worthy. I bet that they thought that we used the word as some sort of indication of might and strength rather than a simple geographical description, and that they, at any rate, were not calling anyone “great”.

    What a faux-pas. What’s next? How long before the mags are published in Brooklyn, New York, North America? After all, only dubs have unity, so there can't possibly be a "United" state of anything, can there?

    They just never get anything right!


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Only one there is who shall be called "great".
    Jehovah of Armies who saves.

    Perhaps the GB recieved a consensus enlightenment that by using the term "great" in reference to Britain, they were rendering "undue prominence" to men.
    Truly, Jehovah feeds his children meat in due season.

  • BritBoy

    Ummmm Eman.... it's because they are a hipocritical bunch of Fuckwittages!


    "My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"

  • ozziepost


    Wouldn't United Kingdom be more appropriate?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Yadirf


    First off, why don't you just sit down and cry about it. Haven't you any more to worry about than things such as this.

    Is there more than one Britain? Since there isn't then simply "Britain", even without the "Great" tacked onto it identifies what's being referenced. Haven't you ever heard people refer to the United States simply as "the States"? Big deal, right? I guess to you it would be, ha!


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Gozz

    Dear Englishman,

    your guess is entirely in error. While it is presumpttuous to suppose that God's organization does not understand the geopraphical and political realities of the English people and those inhabiting the islands around their shores, it is also unbecoming to insinuate that the Society would attempt a denigration of not only the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but also the fine christian brothers living in those lands.

    The bible clearly shows that as true christians we ought to watch how we talk and walk, and in accordance with this fine scriptural principle, the aim has been, not to stumble those of our brothers and the world who might understand the word 'Great' differently. As you are well aware, there is only one Great one, and the truly Great nation of his people is being currently gathered to be ushered into the new order of righteousness. We appreciate that you rejoice at this prospect, and would be happy yo harmonize your words with that reality. You also understand that the punishment of gehenna await those who, against good reason, stumble the sheeplike ones. Since this possibility crossed the minds of our fine brothers, it is, doubtless,in order to avoid such a pitfall that the particular choice of words has been made.

    So, far from being the unilateral decision you refer to, it has been with the interest of the sheep that we have chosen to use such words. We hope you will carefully consider this matter, prayerfully and with a mild spirit. We are sure you will experience some peace and comfort if you do as you await the trully united nations of God's people in glorification of clean worship.

  • expatbrit


    That always pissed me off too. Saying "for Britain" effectively leaves the Scots and Northern Irish without WT overseerage, the lucky bastards. Why should the damn Scots have all the luck?

    I have this personal theory that the governing body have a bit of chip on the old shoulder with Great Britain, which manifests itself in petty slights like this. Also, Great Britain in frequently shortened to GB, and we know there can only be one GB, right?

    Alternatively, they may be simply geographically challenged. So for WT lurkers, here's a quick course in geography:

    England = England.
    England + Wales = Britain.
    Britain + Scotland = Great Britain. (from 1707)
    Great Britain + Northern Ireland = The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.(from 1921)

    Referring to "the British Isles" as including Ireland often gives offense to our Irish cousins.


  • willy_think
    The bible clearly shows that as true christians we ought to watch how we talk and walk, and in accordance with this fine scriptural principle, the aim has been, not to stumble those of our brothers and the world who might understand the word 'Great' differently.

    That is why I call it "adequate but not Great Britain" or sometimes "the nation who's name stumbles," but if I am speaking to a mature Christian I call it "great Britain not to be confused with the great WT, The only truly Great nation."

    The Great and Powerful Oz:

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • Englishman

    Friday says:

    Is there more than one Britain? Since there isn't then simply "Britain", even without the "Great" tacked onto it identifies what's being referenced. Haven't you ever heard people refer to the United States simply as "the States"? Big deal, right? I guess to you it would be, ha!

    So logically then, the WT mag here should read "Printed in the States and Britain".

    No, it's bad English. Not only that it's very ignorant, the sort of mistake that only uneducated persons would make.


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • LDH


    A fascinating bit of satire and wit, old boy!


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