This is a bit of a rebuttal to Greybeards ("Lack faith in a Creator.... watch this") post and the reason why many people Lack any Faith in a Loving Creator. Granted, there could be a superior intelligence that could have set certain events in motion but I do not believe there is a Loving Heavenly Father who gives a rats ass about Humanity! Its just that in all of recorded History, the human race has suffered (and continue's to suffer) a great deal. History is full of bloodshed, rape, murder, genocide, slavery, Injustice, disease, natural disasters etc.... That is the main reason why a Lot of People do not Believe is a God of Love. Watch my "rebuttal video" WARNING, this video contains graphic contect! "God" has never stopped anything horrible, not even when it was done to millions of small children. The Jaydub explanation is.... well you know... bullshit. If you or I had the power to stop all of these atrocities... would we not? Or would we play a game with "Satan" to prove he's wrong by making billions of people to suffer and die. Well the arguement of the Dubbies is " Jehooba has to vinicate his name (WTF??) This "God sounds like a Major Megalomaniac and is a sociopath to even consider such a thing as allowing humanity and the chidren of people he supposedly created suffer cause some chick 6,000 yrs ago somewhere in the middle east ate an apple and gave it to her man and he ate it and....... the rest is history. Could anyone even with the intelligence of a door stop not find a better more humaine way of settling some supposed issue arising from this rebelion? Well if we can think of many ways of which "God" could have handled the issue, should a Being, all powerful, all knowing have not found a better way to subvert man from going down such a bloody path? IT DOEN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. Its illogical! And this is the one that we should worship?? Its ridiculous! Greybeards, watch your wonderful creator sits back, drink a few "heavenly beers" turn on the "heavenly TV" and sit back while this Happens. (WATCH THE VIDEO) If he exists he must be a total ASSHOLE!
Still believe in a "Loving" Creator.... Watch This.
by Zordino 41 Replies latest jw friends
BTY, Its not that I don't want to believe in a Loving Creator. Its just Completely ilogical to do so.
I hate resurrecting this thread because I don't think anyone left off feeling satisfied, but it was a long debate on this specific issue, and I think most opinions and beliefs were represented. Gets very heated and insulting at times; and I know that I left off the thread a couple times as did others. The best analogy of this thread was that it was like a coffee shop get-together with people who hold very different views. Gets really heated sometimes. Some people get up and yell and jab fingers, and others step between and try to calm them down, lol. But anyway:
You may not want to read it, and we could sort of do a new discussion here, but I thought I would at least point it out to you.
Witness My Fury
Nature is abundant with examples of struggle, live or die, eat or be eaten, nasty horrible ways to die and kill. Just looking at the "wonderful creations" is sufficient to disprove the existence of a "loving creator".
The more nature documentaries and programs about nature I see (especially animals I've not seen before) programs like River Monsters are notable for this, the more evidence I see for evolution.
This one is a great example:
Yep a God that allows this is a Total asshole. The argument that it is Human action that causes this suffering is invalid, because Humans were created in god's image!
No loving god would allow children to suffer. To believe otherwise is mind control at its fullest.
I believe in a creator--one that wants his creation to suffer. Jehovah absolutely does not want happiness, peace, or prosperity for people. In fact, Jehovah being a loving god is the grandest scam of them all--Satan got in big trouble for exposing the scam, and Jesus died trying to expose it.
Zordino- I agree with you 100%! My best buddy is a non-practicing Catholic who is becoming an athiest. Too much is unknown but there is too much suffering. He said he thinks if there is a God maybe he CAN'T stop human suffering and injustice. I said that if that were true he is too weak a God to merit worship. How is such a God almighty? My friend therefore feels there probably is no creator. I told him to me there must have been, for design requires a designer, but I do not believe that the creator cares about us. He created us, set in motion the physical laws putting everything on automatic pilot and lost interest in us. He does not care what happens to us.
I agree with everything you said in your OP. The jw explanation is illogical and if it was true that God deserves no worship at all!
There is no just excuse for human suffering or the suffering of animals.
The jw explanation is illogical and if it was true that God deserves no worship at all!
The JW explanation is that their god is going to shortly kill every man, woman, and child on earth - except for themselves.
And, probably - many of themselves will be destroyed for not going out in service enough.
That, my friends - is more insane than Charlie Manson.
james_woods, Thats right!
What a great way to solve mans problems.. Just kill 99.9% of them. Move over Hitler, Stalin, theres a new sociopath in Town.