Still believe in a "Loving" Creator.... Watch This.

by Zordino 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • outsmartthesystem

    That is absolutely heart wrenching.

  • Tater-T

    The JW explanation is that their god is going to shortly kill every man, woman, and child on earth - except for themselves.

    And, probably - many of themselves will be destroyed for not going out in service enough.

    That, my friends - is more insane than Charlie Manson.

    but wait thers's more.... then bring everyone back(that weren't killed in big A) for another go round ... then kill them AGAIN.. after a 1000 years...

    just to be fair !!

    james_woods, Thats right!

    What a great way to solve mans problems.. Just kill 99.9% of them. Move over Hitler, Stalin, theres a new sociopath in Town.

  • factfinder

    All of those children were tortured and killed during the Holocaust because God is a God of love. How did I ever believe that BS and worship that insane monster God Jehovah?

  • ziddina

    All one has to do is read the bible itself, especially the old testament, and the book of Revelation - And pay ATTENTION to what the bible ACTUALLY says - to realize how capricious, fickle and cruel the god[s] of the bible are...

  • tec

    All of those children were tortured and killed during the Holocaust because...

    ... of man and his will and his choices.



  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    ...of man and His will and His (Jehovah's)choices.

    Get it?

    Was Once

  • tec

    Get it?

    I get what you did; I don't get IT.



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    All those children, as well as all the children today that are suffering with cancer and other diseases, have to die because 6000 years ago a naked lady listened to a talking snake and ate a piece of low-hanging fruit.

  • ziddina


    Yep, Billy, that's it...

    If it weren't for "jehovah's" sadistic test, dangling the fruit of "knowledge" while forbidding it to be partaken of, NONE of those monstrosities would EVER have happened...

    [Someone once said - I think it was Bill Maher - that "god(s)" opposed humans acquiring knowledge since the garden of eden - and "his" religion[s] STILL make a "virtue" out of NOT THINKING....!!!]

  • Tater-T

    and Ricky Gevais say's .. and the snake gets punished how ... by crawling on his belly the rest of his days... what are you kidding .. he already does that, it's no punishment at all...

    and in the very day of their eating it they did not die... he ended up giving them different punishments...

    is this considered going of topic... been on to long... must stop posting


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